Good morning, blessed Holy Lord Jesus, what would You say to me today?
Ben, I would say that this is a day in which to rejoice! I would say that My return
is very soon! Oh that My people would awaken to My call to them to come to Me
so that I can heal them and their land. I will continue to allow events to take place
as a wake-up call to My own!
Lord, what else do You have for Your beloved people today?
Ben, I would have them know how special each and everyone is to Me. I want them
to know, to experience, the depth of My love for each one. Sadly, too many are so
involved in their day to day existence that they do not take time to spend with Me
to experience all that I have for them. Encourage them to watch the events of the
world unfold before them, announcing My soon return. I also want them to
recognize the signs of the times, that they are designed to bring My people back
into a love relationship with Me. Do not look at the natural and other events as
punishment, for they are not punishment! They are wake-up calls! When the time
comes for the judgment phase you will know the difference!
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God bless you Sir. On the
by Anonymous
God bless you Sir. On the 29th of September 2013 I also perceived the same word being said. Awake o sleeper!
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