I am thrilled to see Pastor David Parker, of Central United Protestent Church, leading his congregation by sharing his own journaling on his website and creating a "Journaling Board" in the church for his congregation to post their messages from the Lord. This is Spirit-anointed leadership as he leads his people into ever greater intimacy with Almighty God! How about we all pray about ways we can stimulate the hearing of God's voice in our friends and families and churches?
Another Life-Giving, Life-Changing Discipline!
Dear Friends in Christ,
Did you know that Journaling is actually “healthy” for you? Check out my article in our July Messenger for the amazing details! As we continue our ONE THING Summer Witness (a summer-long march into the habits of spiritual formation and discipleship growth), July will become our month of Journaling! The Prophet Habakkuk was told by God, “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets” (Habakkuk 2:2). Recording what God says to us is the very heart of journaling!
We are challenging the whole church family to put into practice what Dr. Mark Virkler taught us about listening to God. As you come into the Foyer, you’ll notice a huge “Journaling Board” to the right which has been set aside as a creative, interactive, “Listening to God’s Voice” posting station! This is not Central Church’s “Wittenberg Door” for protests and complaints :-) but a wall of PRAYERS and CONVERSATIONS between us and God, and God and us!
Please frequent this wall each week – to post a new writing you have done (hand-written or typed; two sentences or 5 pages). Take time to read what others have heard God saying to them. Learn from their encounters with God! Paper, pens and tacs will be made available all month for you to use this board “on-the-spot.” You can ask us to Xerox your journal entry so you don’t have to tear it out or re-write it.
As you can see from the picture, I have already pinned my first journal entries (my journey through the gospel of Matthew). All of my writings are available on my new BlogSpot entitled “Hearing From Heaven.” If you go to http://hearingfromheaven.wordpress.com/ you can follow me in my devotional reflections and conversations with God. I look forward to this wall becoming “plastered” with heaven’s conversations!
Speak Lord, for your servant is listening! – 1 Samuel 3:9
Praying, Caring, Serving and Sharing...TOGETHER!
David Parker, Lead Pastor
Central United Protestant Church
Richland, Washington
Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice
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