Below is an encouraging testimony from Pastor Bruce King, followed by some of his two-way journaling.
“Just wanted to let you know how wonderful 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice and How to Hear God's Voice are. I immediately identified with Mark, having an M.Div. myself, and having been in ministry for about 10 years off and on (without really knowing how to hear God's voice). I am now journaling and I have 3 people who are my spiritual counselors. It's been amazing! I have been able to tap into 'the flow.' I sit at my computer with my eyes closed, fixing my eyes on Jesus, and type away!"
God's Ideas on Becoming Still & Staying Focused
Lord Jesus, what means have I used to effectively still myself?
My Word.
What methods would You like me to cultivate?
Do what I showed you in the car as you were sitting in the back seat by yourself. You imagined Me sitting there with you. You sensed My peace. Then, you focused on My peace within you. From that place of peace, spontaneous words began to flow up into your mind. Continue in this way and you will see words and pictures. I am within you; and out of your heart shall flow rivers of living water. Remember, “…the peace of God keeps your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.”
(Note: KJV, AV, The term “keep” is translated in most modern translations as “guard.” God’s peace, after prayer, guards my heart and mind against anxiety so I can remain in Christ Jesus).
Lord, I have trouble focusing my attention on You when I have to pray for someone, or minister to someone at the altar. There are distractions. How should I focus on You during times like these?
You become distracted and you focus on the person or the need. Don’t focus on the person, focus on Me. “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith!” Then wait for Me to speak. Remember to close yourself in with Me, as though in an inner room, alone with Me, your Father. I will not forsake you. My desire is to minister to all men. My desire is to continue My mission through My people. I want to set the captives free. I want to heal the sick. I want people to be saved from sin and death. I want them to know Me. So, I will minister through you as you fix your eyes on Me.
Thank You, Father, for answering my requests. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me! The more I get to know You, the longer I walk with You, the more I love You. You are so good to me and my family. I can’t thank You or praise You enough!
Just felt Jesus loving me and smiling!
Also felt the Lord impressing upon me the necessity of having: 1) “clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalm 24:4), and 2) “no anxiety about anything” (Phil 4:6f.) in order to hear and see what He wants to say to me.
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How to Hear God’s Voice
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