This journaling is from Linda Garmon and reprinted with permission. Thanks, Linda, for letting us see into what our childhoods with Jesus looked like!
Linda- Jesus, this is why I love you so much. When I see your love for me I cannot help myself. I see you loving me even before I knew you, and I am overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude. Open the eyes of my heart that I might see more clearly your constant love.
Vision- I am about 8 years old, at that funky age where your new permanent front teeth look too big for your face. I am playing in the mud and I am dirty and Jesus comes to sit and play with me.
Jesus- “Linda, can I play with you? I like playing with mud. What are you making?”
Little Linda- “I am making a mud mountain.”
Jesus- “That sounds like fun, I’ve made mountains like that before too. Can we do it together?”
Vision- I watch as Jesus and little Linda build a large mud mountain and take rocks and slide them down the side, then smash the mountain and turn it into a fishing pond. They laugh and play not caring that they have mud all over themselves.
Linda- Lord, I don’t remember that happening that way. I don’t remember knowing you when I was little.
Jesus- I know beloved, but I knew you. I knit you into your mother and was inside of the first breath you took. I have always loved you. I saw the lonely little misfit playing in the mud. I was present in every moment as I watched you grow, always loving you. The day that you finally realized who I AM and became mine, is recorded in my book. That was a celebration day as many of your relatives watched from glory and witnessed your rebirth. One day you will see all the times I was right there beside you, holding you while you cried, loving and protecting you. I remember every single moment because I AM Emmanuel. Some of the things that I share with you that did not occur, were simply the longings of my heart.
Jesus- I want to be part of every moment with you, the mud mountains of childhood that make you laugh as you roll rocks down the side, then smash the mountain creating something new, And the mountains that you stand before now that seem insurmountable. With childlike faith take my hand and we will tackle every mountain and we will roll with joy, climb on top of them with delight, and smash them like wet mud turning them into fishing holes. Sounds like fun to me, beloved.
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