All who live in democratic nations have the privilege, duty and honor to cast their vote for leaders who stand for truth and justice. Our children will live under some kind of government, and we can help ensure it is righteous government. That sure is a better gift to give them than unrighteous government.
In the U.S., 78% of the nation claims to be Christian, but only 1 in 8 will vote in Tuesday's elections for our senators, representatives and governors.
I ask that you watch a short 20 minute video by David Barton and Kenneth Copeland having to do with voting and what happened in San Antonio, Texas as an example of when only a small percentage of the city voted in their local election, and then those politicians enacted unconstitutional laws which are now bringing that city under the curse of God.
You can watch the video by going to:
Scroll down to the Oct. 20-24th series titled "The Healing of Our Land" and click on it. Select the Oct. 21st date. Click on "WATCH NOW."
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