I didn’t want to be at the gym.
I almost feel like I could just leave the post at that one sentence and it be more relatable to people than anything I’ve ever done. But, just for funsies let’s continue.
Starbucks iced whatever was rolling through my brain making my mouth water, and causing a look of disdain to be cast on the weight bench. I shook the frozen crystals from my head. I was close to finishing my routine but not close enough to be in arms reach of that prize.
So, I grunted another set into the books before letting the dumbbells tumble to the floor. I rose and blinked through sweat at a guy I hadn’t noticed before. That didn’t strike me as particularly odd as I don’t always go to the gym at the same time. There are many members I’ve never seen. But the quickening in my spirit informed me this would be a unique situation.
He was seated on one of the benches with his back to me. On the back of his shirt were the letters, E.M.T. Immediately I heard the Lord speak the word, compassion. The stranger was full of compassion, and as I let the word settle in my heart compassion began to fill me as well.
I took a couple of steps and got his attention with a hand on the shoulder. “Hey, man. How’s it going?”
He hesitated for a second but familiar kindness shown in his eyes. “Good.”
I extended my hand. “My name’s Jesse. You love Jesus don’t you.” It wasn’t a question as much as a statement. I could feel the life of Jesus within the guy.
He smiled. “I sure do.”
“Well, I feel like he shared something with me that’s for you. Is it okay if I share it with you?”
He dabbed his forehead with a towel. “Yeah, that’d be great.”
“I sense that the Lord is saying you’re filled with compassion. That compassion has come from him with the purpose of being poured out into others. Don’t become weary of doing good.”
He fell silent as his eyes rounded. I could see the words working through him like the gears of a clock, each one turning the other until everything is made right. I filled in the silence. “Bless you, man. God loves you.”
I finished my workout and left without speaking to him again. The Lord had given me some insight into some things at work that was making it difficult for him to maintain the level of compassion God had deposited in him. But ultimately none of that matters. What matters is that the love of God went forward and touched someone’s heart.
I didn’t go to Starbucks that day. I found myself already quite full.
Who is around you that needs a touch from God today?
Jesse and Kara Birkey
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