We are thrilled to have Certified CWG Facilitators traveling the world teaching people how to hear God’s voice. You can help these trainers in their ministry by assisting with the financial support for their mission’s trips, and by praying for them. Below is an opportunity to assist Deborah Somjak.
Deborah has the opportunity to go to Bolivia with South American Missions this January to serve at a Field Conference for missionaries in Bolivia. She will be investing in and leading teenagers in a study of what it means to commune with God while their parents have time to be refreshed and renewed through this conference, as well as possible opportunities to assist in a workshop for the women missionaries.
"I am humbled to share with you I have a divine and unique privilege to Go. South -- very far South, to Bolivia with South American Mission. S.A.M., with whom I will be serving, is a faith-based missionary organization which exists to establish the church of Jesus Christ in South America. The missionaries of South America Mission are dedicated to 'multiplying dynamic churches across South America that transform local communities and the world by embodying the Kingdom of God.'
"January 7-11, 2013 will be SAM annual Field Conference. This is a time of encouragement and strength to the missionaries and their families that serve with SAM. My hope is to help in serving the youth and build on discipleship teaching with Learning to Hear God’s Voice. As many of you know I have been discipling many across the globe (locally & online) in cultivating the voice of the Lord since 2007. In addition, there may be the possibility in assisting with the workshops being held during the conference for the women missionaries.
"The cost of this trip will be about $1500 - $2000. In order for me to be able to move forward, I will need your prayers and financial support. As you prayerfully consider supporting me as I take this step of faith, please know, I truly can see this as an extraordinary opportunity brought about by the gentle grace and leading of God.
"If God directs you to help financially, please contact me for details on how to give to this mission trip. (704.614.2652 or debbie@unfoldedhearts.org)"
Deborah Somjak
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