The other day I was sitting up in our prayer/computer/kids get your junk outta here room spending some time with the Lord. I’ve been trying to get up earlier in the morning. I’d always hoped God wouldn’t ask me to do that, but lately I’ve felt a growing desire to get up and spend some time with him before the rest of the house starts going nuts.
It was quiet and I was enjoying the peace that swept across the room. It was breaking down my irritation for being up so early. God often shows me pictures of different things and that morning was no exception. I began to see small snowflakes float down to the ground. They were white and pure, gentle and soft. There was just one problem. As soon as they hit the ground they melted.
I lived up north for many years so I know a lot of times snow will melt as soon as it hits the ground. The picture was familiar to me. I asked the Lord what he was trying to show me and I heard his soft voice in my heart begin to explain.
He told me that he’s constantly letting his love, grace, mercy, gentleness, purity, and so much more, cover us. But all to often it melts away before it has a chance to build up and make a difference. The Lord showed me that for many, the ground is too warm to support the snow.
I shifted in my chair and wondered why the ground wasn’t able to support what God was giving it. He answered by showing me that for many there’s an intense fire burning just underneath the surface of their hearts. It’s a fire roaring with shame, guilt, and condemnation. The flame is being stoked by past experiences with poor choices, and being victimized by others. It’s also being fed by the lie from the enemy that the inferno will always be stronger than the love of God.
I want to encourage you right now that if you’re caught in a theatre looping your “greatest hits” on a tormenting cycle, there’s freedom for you! The chair inside that theatre isn’t stronger than the all-consuming love Jesus came to show you. You can stand up and leave!
No matter what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you, God’s love, mercy, tenderness, kindness, forgiveness, joy, and everything else has never ended. It’s been a constant outpouring. The only reason it might not feel that way is because you’re listening to the liar instead of the truth.
It’s time to tell the three amigos from hell (shame, guilt, condemnation) to get lost. Tell them that they have no place in your heart because God’s perfect love is filling all the space. Let them know God’s that good and that he loves you that much.
We must choose to believe the truth, which shouldn’t be hard to understand because we had to choose to believe the lies as well. Jesus is the only one who perfectly represents the Father. Choose to believe he is that good. Rest in the revelation that you are, in fact, forgiven. You are not dirty, impure, worthless, unlovable, ugly, or anything else whispered in your ear while gazing in the mirror.
You are loved, valued, treasured, worthy, precious, blessed, clean, beautiful, adored, smart, and so much more. And these are things that are true in spite of the things you’ve done or what’s been done to you.
The love of God is beautiful. And it makes all things beautiful. Like a fresh blanket of snow. (If you don’t think a layer of pure snow is beautiful, ask God to give you a different picture)
Receive it!
Jesse and Kara Birkey
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