When you were in school, did your teachers encourage you to ask questions? They knew that was the process by which you learned. This is still true, and you should cultivate curiosity and inquisitiveness as lifelong habits. How does this relate to your faith? Are you presented a set of doctrines as a settled matter and discouraged from pondering the same questions yourself? My word teaches you to follow me. This involves obedience to me but it also involves the pursuit of understanding. This only occurs as you are willing to consider unresolved questions. Be patient and don’t expect the answers to come as quickly as they did when you were a child in school.
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Questions bring out the truth
by Anonymous
We learn a lot about Jesus from the questions the Scribes, the Pharisees and Nicodemus, John the Baptist when he was in prison, when Jesus asked the disciples who man say he is, the rich young ruler about salvation, a certain lawyer asked who is our neighbor and Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me”. The more questions we ask Jesus and read our Bible, the more we learn!
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