Jesus showed His perfect love for us by suffering the most tortuous and agonizing death for our sins. He totally sacrificed Himself, as He was innocent. He was marked and treated like a criminal - all because He wanted to restore an intimate relationship with us where we can walk and talk with Him, and He can love on us forever! Such amazing love is worth pursuing and reveals that God‘s love for us is perfect!
Isaiah 50:6 says, “I gave My back to those who strike Me, And My cheeks to those who pull out My beard; I did not hide My face from insults and spitting.”
I asked the Lord, “What do You say about Your love for me through this verse?“
“I love you with everything in Me. I perfectly love you! I suffered the most excruciating death for you, being tortured mercilessly beforehand. I did it to pay the price for your sins - to take your punishment. Someone had to pay to satisfy My justice. I gladly did it because I so wanted an intimate relationship with you. My words are spirit and life. I want to pour out My perfect love into your heart all of the time. I AM always with you to encourage you and lift you up, like I did with David and others in My Word.
You know I only want the best for you, to work through you in ways that are beyond your imagination and bring fulfillment like nothing else. I will carry you through any problem and provide even unspeakable joy through it, if you allow Me. Trust Me, I will fill you with My perfect love as you live only by My voice. You will soar like an eagle and reign in life as My love becomes most important to you.”
Have a wonderful day being filled with God‘s perfect love!
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