How many of these statements do you believe are true?
- Anointing, giftings and destiny do apply to what we commonly view as “secular” jobs.
- My worldview affects the types of jobs I will take.
- God’s worldview involves a sacred/secular split.
- Identifying my heart’s passion is a key to fulfilling my destiny.
- It is sinful to use the giftings and anointing of God in secular jobs.
- If something is God’s will, it will happen regardless of what I do or don’t do.
- Spiritual leaders can also be business leaders.
Discover the answer to these questions and more in Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams.
Get free access to the WORLD PREMIERE of Dr. Mark Virkler’s new video series beginning February 5, 2024! Through Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams you will be guided into a fuller revelation of your special gifts and talents and who God desires to be on your support team, so you can fully achieve the call and destiny He has for your life. Register today!
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