LaWanda – Jesus, precious Lord. I praise you. Forgive me, Lord, my flesh is not strong and my will so weak. Strengthen my will for you, Lord. Show me how to strengthen it, lord. I get so tired of coming up short, Lord, or feeling like I have disappointed you. Help me, Lord. Help me, please.
I see you today blessing people. There is a line of people, single file, in front of you. You bless each one as they step forward. You are anointing their foreheads as you speak blessing over them. Tears are flowing, Lord, as they are overcome by your love.
Jesus – LaWanda, my dear one, my precious, precious one. As you sit before me today, will you let me bless you as I have these others? Will you let me anoint you with this blessing as I have these others? Or will you feel guilty, ashamed and unworthy? You have a choice, LaWanda.
Guilty or Blessed. Ashamed or Loved. It doesn’t seem a hard choice to me. I am calling you to a life of blessing – MY BLESSING!!! I am calling you to an anointed life filled with my love. You can reject both and feel guilty and ashamed of who you think you are, but get this, LaWanda – Just because you “feel” something, it is not who you are. I took care of who you are on Calvary. Feelings will deceive you if you let them. They will take you down a path you do not want to go. Always measure them against my word and let my peace be your guide. I am the Prince of Peace and Holy Spirit is your guide. Just set your feelings beside my name; set them beside My word and see how firmly they stand up. If it is not of Me, it won’t. I love you, my child. Choose Me.
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