This article stimulated me to remind everyone to be taking vitamin D. The conclusion of this PubMed article states: “Most of the vitamin D studies support the inverse association between vitamin D level and breast cancer risk.”
Life Extension has a well-researched article on breast cancer here.
Many recommend 5000 IU of vitamin D3 per day to reach adequate levels. We LOVE all of R-Garden’s products, and they put 1/3 of their product line on 50% sale every month. This month, July of 2023, their D3 is on sale for only $7 a bottle. We stock up with a 3-month supply.
Here is an extensive, down-to-earth, and easy-to-read article on Vitamin D Deficiency symptoms and how to reverse it.
Here is an organized listing of vitamin D research articles.
Here is a published study showing vitamin D reduced heart attacks.
Bottom line is that vitamin D is perhaps the best vitamin for overall health.
Because the vitamin is so cheap and is so effective in overall health, Patti and I each take 10,000 IU per day. Mercola's excellent article on vitamin D states: You may need up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day if you are deficient, which is way more common than most people realize.
Related Resources:
How to Enjoy Vibrant Health!
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