When God wants a descriptive word for His healing qualities, one of the terms He uses is "water."
"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." (Revelation 22:1)
"Life will flourish wherever this water flows." (Ezekiel 47:9)
With our bodies being 70% water, and water being a universal solvent in which millions of reactions within our bodies occur daily, no wonder it has such healing capabilities.
For example, people in one region near the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl did not get cancer. Scientists went to the location, and upon investigation, discovered it was because the water they were drinking came from a high mountain stream. Careful analysis revealed there was nothing unique in the water; it was the structure that was different. Its rapid descent down the mountainside changed the molecules from a clustered state, into single file aligned water.
A decade of research later proved the following
- Dr. Peter Agre from John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, won the Nobel Prize in 2003 for proving that water must be in a single file to enter a cell. Either our body is forced to do the work of breaking down clustered water, or water can be delivered into our body already single file aligned. If delivered to our bodies as single file aligned, then three times more water (and nutrients carried by the water) enters our cells, and three times more toxins exit our cells. This greatly improves our bodies' functioning and healing capacity, as indicated by the research results below.
- A U.S. Patent has been awarded for a kitchen countertop unit that activates a pitcher of water into single file alignment in just 30 minutes.
- Extensive laboratory studies prove that this single file aligned water causes enhanced immune response, decreased inflammation, is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-tumor, and inhibits the growth of mutated cells.
My wife, daughter and I, along with many friends we have introduced to this water all have quite amazing testimonies of various health benefits.
I have written up a fully researched article with links to all the relevant information and six downloadable pages of testimonies. On August 21st, we did an interactive Zoom with several people sharing their powerful stories, along with a teaching, and Q & A time. We closed the session by letting people know where this patented and proprietary device can be purchased (extra discounts are available through the end of August 2023).
God speaks of “gifts of healings” (1 Cor. 12:28) ...
And this is surely one of those gifts! A picture is worth 1000 words and this person's skin - and life - have been changed for the better.
Want to learn more? Check out www.cwgministries.org/I-H20 (This includes our 90-minute Zoom presentation and a full blog with extra downloadable information available).
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Gifts of Healings
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