Lord, what do you want to speak to me this morning about the eyes of my heart and focus?
There is no other way to live a victorious, overcoming and joyous life than abiding in Me and My words abiding in you. As you well know, I did nothing out of Me or My own will or initiative. I learned obedience, I learned to draw from Father at a very young age. That is the obedience I was learning. To stay connected to Father every moment of the day. This I started as a child. This is what I learned long before I started My public ministry. I spent more years learning to hear and see Father then I did in ministry. Many want to run ahead into ministry and doing My works without first learning the discipline and obedience of living in Me. I spoke to you while you were in Bible College that you would minister to the multitudes and not to the few. But I first said eat and become, then you would do. All these years, I have been aiming at one thing, to get you to look to Me, focus on Me and what I am saying and to turn aside from all the other voices and persuasions.
You are experiencing healing moments, times of refreshing and intimate and holy times with Me; and why? Because you are turning away from all the lies and misconceptions about Me and about yourself. You are allowing Me to remove the wrong focuses and pictures and allowing Me to give you divine perspective. My perspective. As long as you and My people continue to settle for the normal and natural, you will never experience My normal and My natural which is the supernatural. The supernatural is to be natural with My children who are walking with Me and hearing Me and obeying Me. There is dynamic, resurrection power and life in My words that flow in and out of your heart and lives. My church has largely accepted to stay in the natural and has forgotten to live in Me and in My Spirit.
I am raising up an army throughout the earth that will not settle for anything less than My best. I am raising up a large company of men, women and children that will walk in my overcoming and victorious ways. It is not the arm of the flesh. It is not out the determination of your wills. But it is by My Spirit. As you heard recently, success is simply doing the will of God continuously.
Focus and where your eyes are on will determine your destination. You are getting it son. You are now seeing so much clearer and are determined and passionate to walk in My ways, to get out of the way and live in My Spirit. You are seeing us together, sitting in heavenly places, you are seeing us joined together as one, and you are beginning to see you as I see you.
Live in Me and you will see My kingdom come just as it is in heaven. Live in you and you will continue to experience defeat, failure, disappointment and agony of soul. There are only two choices. I am so glad you are choosing the better as Mary did when she sat at My feet.
I love you son with an everlasting, unfailing love. Let’s continue this journey together and behold the wonders of your God and His glorious Kingdom. Be at Peace.
Mike is completing his degree at Christian Leadership University.
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