Revelation and journaling from Mark 16:20, “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.”
When reading this Scripture, the words “worked with them” jumped out to me, since this passage was after Jesus was already taken up in heaven. “Worked with” is from the word “sunergeo” which means “working together”.
While pondering the verse I had a picture in my mind’s eye of a tandem bicycle and Jesus was in the front steering. We were both stepping on the pedals, but it was with ease as He was leading the way and doing most of the “hard” cycling work.
Here is my journaling that came with the picture:
My daughter, I love you with an everlasting love, come and rest and be in Me. Let My Holy Spirit flow in and from you. Let us be one just as I am one with My Father, let Us come and make our home in you. It is My power flowing in and from you. Let Me teach you and show you. Let Me be the one doing the work through you. My grace will be sufficient for where I take you and for what I will do through you.
My daughter, you will always be safe with Me. As long as I am in the steering seat, you will be able to sit back and enjoy the ride with Me. See My Spirit moving in you and through you as I am about to manifest My presence, My love, My healing power to all who are open to receive and take it. I have more planned for you and anyone else who is willing to let go and allow Me to work with them and through them.
See - it is a new day, the new wineskins have been prepared and the time is NOW for Me to start pouring in the new oil. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard what I have prepared for those who love Me. So be ready to receive, be ready to receive ALL I have for you. Do not be afraid of the “NEW”. Do not be alarmed if you don’t understand all. For us to be able to work together, you will have to allow Me to be the one steering.
Let go of your preconceived ideas and plans. Let go, relax, let Me take charge of the steering wheel. Working together is a lot of fun!
Another Blog: The Holy Spirit Guides Through a Covid Encounter by Karin da Silva
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