Linda – Jesus, I love you. I remember when I first met you as a teenager, being so excited about being yours, so immature but giddy. I had older believers explain to me that the newness would wear off and I would settle down. Well Jesus that did NOT happen with me. I am almost 64 years old and what I feel for you now is equal to a schoolgirl in love, where all I want to do is be with you, scribble your name on all my papers with hearts drawn around it. You are always in my thoughts, I am always talking about you. Your presence is addictive and I never want rehab. I am having a hard time seeing right now because all that I’m feeling is spilling out of my eyes onto my glasses. The thing that I love most about you Lord is that you loved me first, even before I knew you.
Vision – I see Jesus writing my name in his book and drawing a heart around it.
Jesus – Oh beloved, you have captured my heart with one of your tearful looks. Those tears of devotion are precious to me. I gather every one of them and then pour them back out on you as blessings. You are always in my thoughts as well. Just try counting all the grains of sand on every beach and you will begin to glimpse the height, the width, the length and the depth of my love for you. You are mine!
Resource: Learn how you can hear God's voice:
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