I was reflecting the other day again about how much God speaks to me and shows me at the gym. Really I’m only there about three times per week but it seems like God loves to take advantage of that time. Maybe it’s because while I’m on the cardio machine there is really not a whole lot else to do but look at people and see what God is doing in their lives.
With that in mind, here comes another story from the gym J. I was running on the cardio machine (of course) when I looked over and saw a young woman that I had seen many times before. But this time it was different because this time I saw an angel hanging earrings on her ears.
Now this was very strange to me and I shook my head a little. I was wondering how active my imagination was. It didn’t help matters that it had been a little while since I’d seen much of anything so I wasn’t particularly comfortable with what I was seeing. I mean, really, who see’s angels putting earrings on people’s ears.
So I asked God about it and did my best to quiet my heart to hear His response. He began to talk to me about how He had so many gifts He longed to shower her with. He told about the earrings and jewels were and expression of His love for her.
It’s important to note here that He told me nothing about the state of her heart. I had no idea if she was a believer or not but truth be told I don’t think she was. What’s critical to understand is the state of her heart had nothing to do with how He felt about her and how much He wanted to ravish her with gifts. Amazing love!
So I felt that this was something to share and so I waited for an opportunity. I took the first opportunity I had and asked her if I could share something with her. She told me that I could. I told her that I love Jesus and sometimes He shows me things to share with others. She was slightly caught off guard by that but bolt so I continued.
I told her that I saw Him hanging earrings on her ears and told her about how many gifts and jewels He longed to give her and how it was an expression of just how much He loved her. I could tell that the words were touching her heart and she smiled and said, “Wow. My head is tingling.”
As soon as she said that I saw a crown of jewels being placed on her head and I explained to her what I was seeing. The smile continued to light up her face as she said, “I’m special.” She said it softly and almost like a question that was becoming revelation. I told her yes and more than she could ever know.
A few days later I was sharing this experience with a friend and he helped me find this passage,
And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour and honey and oil. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. Ezekiel 16:11-13
We are so precious to Him and nothing we could ever do will ever change that. We can never change how He feels about us. I hope you know how worthy and significant and loved you are and I pray that the next time you look in the mirror you will see the splendor He has dressed you in.
Jesse and Kara Birkey
Sid Roth on Life Resurrected
“This next, greatest, and perhaps last move of God’s Spirit before His return will use nobodies to operate in a level of miracles that the world has never seen! This book will supernaturally release your faith to do the same works as Jesus and even greater.” -Sid Roth,
Host, It’s Supernatural!”
We are excited to announce a new teaching series called, Life Resurrected, The Normal Christian Life. It’s a 4 CD set. Check it out at http://www.reflectministry.com/store.html
View the Trailer for our new book, Life Resurrected, Extraordinary Miracles through Ordinary People Here!
To find information on an exciting new documentary called DeadRaiser go to www.deadraiser.com
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