Good morning, Ben, I am glad that you are seeing prayer for others as a privilege rather
than an obligation. This walk with Me is so different in so many ways than the ways of
the world. Yet it is My desire that your walk on planet earth is My way. When I say ‘your’,
this includes all of My people. So many continue to do their own thing, making it difficult
for Me to spread the good news to all of the people of the earth.
Jesus, what is it going to take to get Your people to stop doing things their own way and to walk with You?
Ben, I want people to come to Me voluntarily. Yet so many are so fixed in their religious beliefs that it is difficult for them to change. What will it take to change this attitude? I will allow events to take place upon planet earth to get My people’s attention. Read your Bible.
You see this pattern repeated over and over again. My people are such slow learners,
preferring to follow their religious beliefs rather than to walk in My love and grace.
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