I quiet myself: “I am here, Lord. I quiet myself before You. I am watching. I am listening. What is it You want to show me today? What is it You want to speak to me today?”
I am on His shoulders. Above is His funnel cloud of glory. My right hand is reaching up into His glory cloud, touching Him. As I look up into the glory cloud of Jesus, His face – as always – is in the center of it. He is smiling at me. I fix my eyes on Him. In His eyes is kindness and compassion so deep and so powerful that it pulls me in. In His eyes is nothing but perfect love, affirmation and acceptance. It’s amazing how His love affects me. His eyes communicate to me, my soul and spirit: LIFE! Abundant LIFE! I am accepted and cherished by my Savior. No guilt. No condemnation. As I look into His eyes, he pours His funnel cloud of glory into me, like liquid gold. I feel it fill me and my spirit. My eyes are still fixed on Him. He is the same. He is not diminished. But I am different. He is giving me more of Him.
My Lord speaks: “This is how My glory will fill the earth in these last days. One yielded vessel who desires daily communion and fellowship with Me at a time. I will fill all who come hungry and thirsty. I will not give them just one meal. They will never hunger; they will never thirst again. But first they must come. They must be hungry. They must be yielded and surrendered. They must invite Me to have My way in them. My love is endless. My love is timeless. My love moves and is alive. It receives, accepts, cleanses, washes, forgives, restores and transforms. I long to have My way in My children. I long for them to choose Me, to choose life. Be My mouthpiece. Speak of My love. Speak of My life. Speak of My goodness. Call them back to Me. You will now see My children as I see them. As your heart aches with love for your children, it will ache with love for Mine. You know My heart. Listen to the heartbeat of My glory that I poured into you.”
I look down at the River still flowing from My belly. I see the names and words that I have seen before, but now the water is filled with gold – liquid gold. I recall His love felt like liquid gold to Me. Before I even ask, He responds.
“Yes, My glory is My love. My love is My glory. I do not love as man loves. My love is perfect; hence my two greatest commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. Only out of this relationship and fellowship with Me can you love others as you love yourself. Until My love heals and restores them, My children love themselves best. When they allow My perfect love to heal and restore them, I remove their heart of stone, pain and hurt and give them a heart of flesh that can be moved by My compassion and love. This is how My glory is filling the earth in these last days. One yielded vessel at a time. I am calling all of creation to return to Me. Be My mouthpiece. Speak My words of love, life and truth. Call them with My love.”
I look deeply into Jesus’ eyes, and I am captured by His love and kindness again. I begin to speak softly, “Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you. Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you. Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you ...” My voice slowly grows louder. My eyes are still fixed on Jesus. My voice is in union with – agreeing with – His heartbeat. I continually repeat: “Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you.”
My words pick up the mini funnel clouds dancing on the River that contain a name and words from His River, and my words carry the funnel cloud on the wind. The mini funnel cloud of Jesus’ glory and love finds its mark, and suddenly the person who was far away, but walking toward the River, is at the River’s edge. My gaze never leaves Jesus. My eyes are fixed on Him. My voice is loud now. These are His words. He is speaking through me. “Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you.” I am yielded. I am surrendered. I remain in Him. His glory is filling the earth one yielded vessel at a time. “Come. Come. Come to the One who loves you.”
Come Come to the One that Loves You
by Anonymous
Tara, Thank you for sharing your intimate Time with Jesus!! I needed to hear His Heart again and to get out of the Fog I have been in. I heard the spirit so clearly through your Mouth!! I needed truth and clearity in a dark place!! A prophet is without Honor in His own Home Town!! I miss his liquid Love that infilled me at times and it is a Shield against Fiery darts in the Heart!! As you read this plz agree with me for total healing from attack on the heart from my mother.. I recieve and yield to you Lord I repent for any unforgiveness and recieve your Love and Glory to be released in and through me!! Father I miss your Presence and Jesus I want to talk and walk with you and I thank you holy spirit for your Power and Gifts! Holy spirit I thank You for Guiding me to this Web Page !! I Love You I quiet myself before your Throne!!
Response to “Come Come to the One that Loves You”
by Tara Dulin
Thank you for your encouraging comment, and for sharing your heart. I add my faith to yours and agree with your prayers. (Have you done Mark & Patti Virkler's study called “The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice”? If so, the Virkler's book, “Naturally Supernatural” is an outstanding resource that I highly recommend as well.) As you continually abide in Him, His River of love and life will never cease to restore and heal you. Receive. Surrender. Receive. Deep calls unto deep. Dive in. Receive. Remain in Him.
Come to the One Who Loves You
by Anonymous
Yes, He bids us to come! From every aspect of our lives Jesus is calling us to come - an action on our part to arise and move to Him. He waits and when we do go to Him an impartation of His Holy presence is ours. Yes, More Lord send more of your fire.
Tara, I encourage you in your obedience to the King of Kings, the Great I Am. Pointing to Him, to be His mouthpiece - So Good!
Giving all honor and glory and praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Suzie from PA
Response to "Come to the One Who Loves You"
by Anonymous
Amen, Suzie! More Lord. And, YES! ALL the glory to Him, and Him alone. Always and forever. God bless you richly! - Tara
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