Logos is a Greek word that includes the FULL communication process.
Rhema is a Greek word that stands for “spoken words,” which is a part of FULL communication.
Parts of the process we call communication
It is like this. We all communicate, and one of the ways we communicate is through speech. However, there are many more ways to communicate other than speech. I can write, use sign language, draw a picture, paint a scene, smile, frown, or project a spirit of arrogance or meekness, to name a few.
When I first tried to sort out the distinction between logos and rhema, I saw overlap and could not discern the difference. Well, if speech (rhema) is a sub-component of communication (logos), then of course there will be overlap.
However, if I want to be specific about the fact that I communicated to you through speech, then I may say, “I spoke to you about this.” This means I communicated to you in a very specific way, through speech.
So when the New Testament uses the Greek word rhema, it is, “I specifically mean spoken words.”
- Principle: Speech (rhema) is a sub-component of the entire communication process (logos).
- Principle: Some of God’s promises are directly linked to rhema: "If you abide in Me, and My words (rhemas) abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you" (Jn. 15:7).
Journaling by Linda Garmon
Lord, as I reviewed many of the Scriptures set before me I see that there is a great emphasis on vision, and dreams, regarding how You communicate with us.
Lord, in my past I have not honored these ways as legitimate. I can see that this has been a handicap. I had been taught to honor the Word only. The one open vision I had years ago, I assumed was a sovereign move initiated by You. Lord, I repent. I love You, Lord, and I want to be receptive to any way You want to speak to me. Tell me more about this, Lord.
Jesus - Beloved, think about all the ways you communicate with your husband and your children. You use more than just written letters. Your husband can communicate with you with a glance, a raised eyebrow, a smile, or a wink. This is communication with vision in the natural world.
The same thing happens with vision using the eyes of your heart. If you, by faith, honor the spiritual sight I offer to every believer, then you will begin to see. I can speak to you in My Word as you read, but I also speak to you as you drive, work, worship, sleep, and live your life. I will warn you if there is danger in your path, sometimes redirect your steps to avoid pitfalls the enemy may have placed in your path. Embrace the intimacy of this, beloved.
Dig deeper
- Heart Prayers: Seven Elements which Compose the Language of Our Hearts
- Speaking Your Journaling Back to the Lord as Your Personal, Present-Tense Reality
- For Heaven’s Sake Celebrate!
- By Your Stripes I AM Healed and Symptoms Are Disappearing
- How Is Perfect Peace Achieved?
- Training on How to Hear God’s Voice and See Vision
- Miracles of Healing – 7 Step Model
- Downloadable "Personal Miracle Worksheet" with expandable boxes which you can type in
- Which Focus: Rapture Me Out of This Hellhole or Anoint Me to Disciple All Nations? (Applies this blog to establishing an eschatology of victory)
- Three New Testament Words for Healing
- Miracles Occur When COMPLETELY Aligned with Rhema and Vision from God
- Living from Rhema, a sub-category of Logos
- Logos vs. Rhema and Hearing God’s Voice
- Distinguishing Logos from Rhema (Communication from Speech)
- All Uses of “Rhema” in the New Testament
- Alignment allows for the fullest release of Christ's wisdom and healing power
Appendices A,B, and C in Dialogue with God explore this topic in more depth
- Appendix A - Logos and Rhema in the Greek New Testament
- Appendix B - The 70 Uses of Rhema in the New Testament
- Appendix C - Understanding the Power of Rhema, "The Spoken Word"
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