I can hear the sound of rushing water.
I look. I see a waterfall. It is vast and powerful. I look up. It is enormous. I look for the waterfall’s origin, but I can only see the rushing waterfall, and big, perfect, fluffy white clouds encircling the top of it.
I hear My Savior’s voice behind me. He is the Lover of my soul. He says: “This is My provision for you. This is My Spirit, My life that I have poured out for you. All you have need of, is found in Me, My presence, My life, My love for you. I love you with an everlasting love. My love is unmoving, unchanging, unshakeable. The lies that have been spoken over you are just that, lies from the father of lies, designed to steal, kill and destroy. Those lies are not from Me. They are NOT Truth. Fix your eyes on Me. Tune to the flow of My Holy Spirit. Rest in My embrace. Allow Me to minister My truth, My life and My love to you.”
I sense Him. He is behind me. He is near. I feel Him embrace me. I lean into His embrace. I rest in His embrace.
“Forgive me, Lord, for not coming to You first. Forgive me for not being perfect. Forgive me for letting others down. Forgive me for letting You down. Forgive me for listening to the lies and allowing the lies to overtake me for a time.”
“I am always here. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Never for a moment were you not forgiven. You did not let Me down. Apart from Me, there is pain, suffering and death. I am always here. I am unmovable, unshakeable Truth. Lies cannot take hold of you unless you focus on them. What you look to grows. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and My truth. Allow Me and My truth to wash over you. Allow My word, My power and My presence to wash over you and cleanse you.”
He takes my hand. Together, we step onto the massive pool that is before the waterfall. We walk on the water together. I feel the cool water lapping at my feet and ankles, but I feel a solid surface under my feet. I am safe. I feel the warmth of Jesus’ hand in mine. I look at Him, He is smiling at me. The warmth and love in His eyes is overwhelming. He is leading me to the waterfall. I enjoy walking with Him. With every step we take together, I feel stronger. With every step we take, I feel lighter. Walking with Him is rejuvenating. His hand is strong in mine. The warmth of His hand spreads from my hand, up my arm, into my heart. My left hand, my left arm and my heart are warm. The warmth intensifies. I feel the surge of His power and His love hit my heart. He is ministering to my heart. Being with Him, walking with Him, my hand in His, changes me.
“I have overcome sin and death. In My presence, sin and death must flee.”
I look at my Jesus’ left hand. It is glowing. It is a red-yellowish color, as if it is on fire. My left hand and left arm are the same color as His hand. I look at my heart, it is also glowing. His presence is radiating up my arm, into my heart, out of my chest.
He speaks: “Set Me as a seal upon your heart.”
I respond: “Yes, Lord. I set you as a seal upon my heart.”
My heart feels as if it is on fire.
I look to Him. He is watching me, smiling. We stop walking. We are standing before the waterfall. I feel the mist of it on my face and arms. I feel the force of it in my heart and chest. The waterfall is so strong and powerful, I know the force of it will crush me, but I am not afraid. I am safe in His presence. My heart is still warm. I feel the warmth increase, yet again.
Jesus steps in front of me. He stands between me and the waterfall. I look into His eyes. I see nothing but compassion and love. His face is gentle and kind. He loves me. He loves me as I am.
I have looked into eyes filled with anger, pain, fear, and malice. There is a knowing in my spirit that what I saw in those eyes and the lies that followed were intended to harm me. The subsequent depression and thoughts of death did not originate in Jesus.
My Lord speaks: “Will you trust Me? Will you allow Me to wash over you? Will you allow Me to cleanse your body, mind, spirit and soul of those lies?”
“Yes, Lord. I trust You. My life is in your hands. I surrender all to You. Again. I know You are the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
I continue to look into His eyes. The love and kindness I find there continues to minister to me. I weep. He opens His arms wide, and He embraces me. I melt into His embrace. He pulls me into Him.
I am me. He is Him. But we are One. I feel Him embrace every cell of my being. I feel Him hugging me. But it is a deeper embrace than I have known in the natural sense. I close my eyes and settle into His embrace. I feel Him embracing my heart. I feel Him embracing my mind. I feel Him embracing every part of me. I am me, yet I am hidden in Him. I do not understand it. I just receive it. I receive Him and all He has for me. I receive His embrace fully into my body, mind, spirit and soul. I feel His warmth and His presence settle into me as I settle into Him. I open my eyes. I see the form of His body around me. He is translucent, and I can see out of Him. We are standing in the waterfall. I did not know we had stepped into it. He protected me from the force of the downpour that would have killed me. Yet, I can still feel the rush of His power minister to me from the outside-in. He is the rushing water. He is the Living water. I lift up my arms. His arms lift up with mine. Our left arms are still glowing as if they are on fire. I open my mouth. His mouth opens with mine. I drink deeply. I drink deeply of the cool water that He drinks first. As I drink, I feel His power minister to me from the inside-out. His truth is changing me. I am being washed by His word, the Truth. It is changing my heart. His Truth is ministering to my heart. His truth is ministering to my mind. I stand in His presence, wrapped up in His love, inside the waterfall that is His overwhelming power, and I am made new.
I hear my own thoughts: “Thank you, Lord. Thank you for doing all this for me.”
He responds to my heart. It is but a whisper: “My beloved, I gave everything I have and everything I am for you. You are My heart’s desire. This is Our secret place. Dwell with Me. Stay with Me. In this place, you are strengthened. In this place, you are covered, surrounded and protected by My abounding grace. In My presence, you are safe. You cannot be harmed. This is your reality. I am your reality. Stay with Me. Stay in My embrace, and dwell with Me.”
Psalm 42:6-8, NASB
O my God, my soul is in despair within me;
Therefore I remember You from the land of the Jordan
And the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar.
Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls;
All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.
The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime;
And His song will be with me in the night,
A prayer to the God of my life.
John 14:1-3, NASB
"Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”
Colossians 3:2-4, NASB
“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”
Song of Solomon 8:6, AMP
“Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as hard and cruel as Sheol (the place of the dead). Its flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame [the very flame of the Lord]!
Song of Solomon 2:16, NASB
“My beloved is mine, and I am his; He pastures his flock among the lilies.”
Zechariah 14:8, AMP
“And it shall be in that day that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern [Dead] Sea and half of them to the western [Mediterranean] Sea; in summer and in winter shall it be.
John 4:10, NASB
Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.
John 7:38, AMP
“He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.”
The Call of My Beloved: Set Me Like a Seal Upon Your Heart
by Anonymous
God can use anything, even a cute little Facebook quiz to stir my passion for Him. Earlier today after getting home from work, 1:53 am, I took the quiz, "Which Bible Passage Describes You?" My result Song of Solomon 8:6.
Song of Solomon 8:6
Amplified Bible (AMP)
6 Set me like a seal upon your heart, like a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy is as hard and cruel as Sheol (the place of the dead). Its flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame [the very flame of the Lord]!
All day, I have been meditating on this verse. I felt lead to study it's meaning...WOW!!!. During my study, I found your beautiful prophetic writing, which describes so accurately my heart for Jesus and His heart for me. Thank you, Tara, for loving Jesus and expressing that love openly for all to be drawn to Him!!!
it would be great if Tara
by Anonymous
it would be great if Tara would come back on this site.
good words
by Anonymous
Isn't it wonderful to find confirmation in so many places? The LORD is all around us, showing us these things repeatedly in various ways and forms. He desires to show us the kingdom as He showed and told Jesus. God bless you as He speaks to you.
by Anonymous
i too just stood under the waterfall of His magnificent love just this morning! just in simple worship i saw myself standing under neath the majestic waterfall of His unending love. it never stopped pouring. at first it washed me. i was also amazed that the power of it did not strike me down. but some how i stood. then after a few min. i realized the waterfall was actually going INTO ME.
simple really- yet profound. a revelation of His never ending love.
i smiled and was filled.
wow! this is beautiful.
by Anonymous
wow! this is beautiful.
Re. waterfall
by Tara Dulin
That is beautiful. Yes and amen! Deep calls unto deep. Drink deeply of His love!
yes, we are His vessels,
by Anonymous
yes, we are His vessels, waiting to be filled with His Holy Spirit, and like seeds, producing after His own kind. Let His waters flow.
amen, Tara. I am so always
by Anonymous
amen, Tara. I am so always encouraged by your words. God bless you.
by Sue Ellen
Dear Tara, I feel like I am going though great emotional turmoil right now. It is difficult for me to try and explain what I am feeling. In February of 2008 I was diagnosed as being bipolar. I also struggle with an anxiety disorder and depression.
There are sometimes I can go though many day feeling okay. But than out of the blue, I am hit with a very bad day. There are some days that I can barely function. It has effected my ability to work. I am on back in 2011 I started receiving SSI. The one thing that I would ask you to keep me in prayer about is that, God would some how give me the money so that I would be able to hire a personal spiritual trainer. Part of me believes that that God is able to heal me of this illness. However Just like the one man that came to Jesus for healing and said "Lord, I believe, help me in my unbelief." That is how I feel.
Sincerely, Sue Ellen
God heals in so many ways
by Anonymous
Dear Sue Ellen,
Our God is such a loving God. Although we may not see a miraculous healing, the Lord has placed things on the earth that can heal. My pastor was born a deaf mute and could not speak. His tongue was also attached to the roof of his mouth. In his early childhood, he went through surgeries and was healed. God blessed him with a gift of voice and he is an incredible musician. His name is David McGee and his ministry is croosthebridge.com
As God healed David, he can heal you. I have worked with many people that had depression and mental as well as physical disorders. I work with Dr Kenneth Blum. He is world renowned in research of the brain and he also discovered the addictive gene back in 1990. He and Bill Downs, one of the world's top nutritional biochemists developed a formula called Brain Reward. We have doctors and individuals seeing amazing results using it.
You can learn more on our resource site at www.onthepathtovictory.com Look under the Products tab and the Archived Calls Tab. We have recorded testimonials you can listen to under the sub-tab Product Reviews - Listen by phone.
You may email me also at onthepathtovictory@gmail.com
God bless you,
Seal upon your heart
by Anonymous
as We look to God, he us the great I am, a constant help in time of need. With God no thing is impossible. Words of truth. Psalm 145 v13 God is always true to his promises - always because God doesn't lie. Always. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. (Psalm 145:13 NIV) he wants to give the much more
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:11 NIV)
God is all we need, because of Jesus, we see God's love, by sending Jesus, our heavenly Father demonstrated his love.
As we have Him as a seal on our hearts, we can discover more of his great love and provision for us/ he wants to give the much more, and bring us answer and love and hope and freedom. He has done it, as he promised. life to the full John 10:10
hi Sue Ellen, believe that
by Anonymous
hi Sue Ellen, believe that there is nothing impossible with God, I will pray for your healing. God bless you.
by Anonymous
Dear sister Tara,
I have not known you before.
I came across your post while browsing for answers to my quest for the Anointing.
I was thrilled by your Divenely granted favour to commune with The Lord.
Since it is a Sovereign grant I am not surprised but still can make a request for the Lord to touch my heart for ministry.
i am kindly requesting you for to ask Him for me to be granted even a fraction of what you have been granted.
I am hungry for Him, I thirst like a Deer in the desert for water.
I am dying for the fire of the Lord upon my life to be His witness.
My name is Rhodes Sithole a minister of the Lord.
Called to Evangelise, healing and deliverance ministries.
I have experienced the dryness in the anointing and I am so desperate for FRESH Anointing.
I would be very glad to receive your assistance in the future.
Kind regards
Dear Rhodes, review Romans
by Anonymous
Dear Rhodes, review Romans 11:29. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. If you have received anointing, it is still yours. Trust Him and use the gifts He freely offers. Remember that He has already led you to the water. Drink deep.
My Longing For Him is Just About Unbearable!
by Lady Herpetologist
My desire to experience Jesus directly is palpable. He knows this, of course. I can't make it happen - that's His prerogative to choose to do so or not - on His terms, not mine. Still, is there anything that would facilitate it at my end?
Chris Chalfant-Leal
by Anonymous
Woman of God, thank you for your holiness and devotion to Jesus. Please, I want my own dwelling place, my own reality where I can be with the Lord. I don't want this world. Please when you are there, ask Him to open my eyes. When He says yes, touch my name that I have put on the subject line of this post and the King will impart it for me. Please woman of God. Lord Jesus, look at my faith I need you, my cry is for you only Lord!
Hello Chris, We have ONE God
by Anonymous
Hello Chris, We have ONE God and ONE mediator, the man Christ Jesus. He told us to go directly to Heavenly Father. He gives of His grace freely to those who ask. You can be there in the twinkling of an eye. He does not have favorites, and will listen to every heart who calls out. Including yours, which is very dear to Him.
Thank you, Tara
by mery
Hi Tara. I had just tapped into your dialogs with God (blog) a month or so ago. The Words that the LORD has given you and that you share with us are so refreshing and reviving. A desire for the LORD grows in me as a result, because these Truths are ministering the Words of God Himself as He ministers to you, and you, in turn, "break the bread" and pass it onto us. What a sweetness of the LORD.
Thank you for your faithfulness. I'm so happy to see you are still sharing with us.
Have a beautiful New Year and the LORD bless you. Mary
by Anonymous
Thank you for sharing your wonderful, comforting images and words from our Lord. The words He placed upon my heart on Dec 27, 2013 were these:
"Here I am. Let's go. I am coming on your spirit. I envelop you as you enflesh Me... I will lead you like a little child. Hold My hand and never let go. We will walk together along life's path. I Am the way."
May God continue to bless you. He has blessed us through you.
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