Ken Day is a CLU student. He received this prophetic word for the body of Christ on 3/31/23.

My love for you is everlasting. I want peace for you. I want joy for you. Live and love me as I love you. Love others just like I love you. The love that passes all understanding is what I give to you. The seed of self-love is important. Without it, you cannot share the love I give you. You are created in my image and that image is love. The greatest love is that I sent Jesus to rescue you from your self-destruction. My people stand up and receive my love so that you can share it with the world. The world needs my love and I have appointed you to share with the lost and dying world.
Stand up and be strong and believe my prophecy about my love. This love conquers all things. It conquers guilt, depression, and anxiety. The love that passes all your understanding must be shared with others to spread across the globe. My church, my people, have you forgotten my love? You are interested in religion and politics. Yet you have forgotten me and my love. Spread my love by faith. This love overcomes all evil in the world. The world now needs to hear of my love. The love of their father who sent his son to die for them. What father would sacrifice his son for those that do not love him? I am the good Father who loves you and wants you to come back home. The home is where I reside and in this home have many mansions for each of my children. These homes are full of prosperity and peace. I have sent you the love of the abundant life. Share this life with others. This sharing of abundant life allows others to see me and how much I care for them. I long for them and want to take care of them like a hen takes care of her chicks under its wings. My people, step up and allow my love to saturate you so you can saturate others with the same love. This is a way of bringing lost souls into my kingdom. My kingdom is a kingdom of peace, prosperity, abundance, and love. I have an everlasting kingdom of love for all my children.
I call forth peace, and you have peace. I call forth love, and you have love. I call forth a love beyond understanding.
There is no one who understands how much I love them. My love is infinite and its ways are higher than your ways. Just accept my son and his love and you will accept me. Love me and I will show you the nations of the world. These nations need to know of my love. Now, my children, go forth and spread my love unto the whole world.
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