Journaling from Julia Parker as she goes through our Through the Bible training. A word that we all need to hear!
Journal Entry 11/11/2013
Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing with me about my attitude concerning things that I have been through this weekend. It's not been good to feel such anger, hurt, rejection, thoughts, and desires that have not been born of You but from allowing my emotions about my past become even greater than my emotions for You and others. I am very humbled and sad to think that I have not responded with a better attitude. You are all I need. So as I write this lesson's journal entry, I ask that You speak to me what You want to say about the rest that You provide for me.
"Daughter of My Rest, I am so glad to be able to inform you of what I know is needed for you or anyone else to enter My Rest of Love. It's a Love rest. The more you love Me and the more you seek My face and the more You get into My presence and My Word, the more rest of love you will possess. I have you, My dear Julia, hidden beneath My wings. You are under the protection of the Almighty God of Heaven. I'll continue to walk with you and keep you safe from evil and harm.
"I'm not weary in well doing and I don't want you to be either. You have a journey to walk. You have a road to walk. You have a life to live for Me. It's for Me that you live and move and have your being. It's for Me that you do what you do. Learn to live life a little lighter. Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously!
"You need to breathe in My fresh breath!! Relax, let it go! Focus on My love for you. Focus on what I can do to bring redemption to others. It's not your responsibility. I AM in charge here as long as you give Me permission to move in this situation or any difficult situation that you find yourself in. You have learned to give Me permission to be IN you what no one else can be for you. When you are troubled and perplexed, I will be your peace and your clarity of mind. When you are feeling rejection, I will be your acceptance.
"I'm working on you, My dear Julia. I'm maturing you and getting you to a place of total surrender, so that whatever may come your way, you will not be dismayed. You will even find a rest in the situation that is troubling you simply by trusting Me, resting in Me. I AM your REST."
Go Deeper - Get Healthy!
Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?
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Ref:Julia`s Journaling
by Anonymous
As a Student of Christian Leadership Seminary,I am really thrilled with journaling.
May the Good Lord give you more grace to hearing Him more.
Ref:Julia's Journaling
by Anonymous
To Anonymous on November 21, 2013 - 15:27
Thanks for blessing as I continue to be a student of CLU and primarily a student of the Lord!!
May God richly bless you as you continue at CLU and with the Lord!
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