What to say about Christian Leadership University? Great, amazing, wonderful, organized, practical, you can do it, great subjects, and… “old fashioned”. Yes, that’s right, I said “old fashioned”… Why?? Simply because it is about spiritual disciplines such as quieting down before the Lord, prayer, listening, journaling, Bible memorization, Bible reading, etc.
These disciplines are rare today, but are so much needed in our lives and in our world. Pastors, lay leaders, Christians in general, we are just so busy and therefore have a hard time to quiet down and listen to the Lord before we do anything or to simply obey Him. But I have discovered that it is the secret for a successful and powerful ministry.
CLU taught me about how to experience Communion with Almighty God. It taught me about increasing communication with God, hearing from God. It taught me about journaling in a dialogue form, me speaking to Him and Him speaking to me. It was and still is a great experience.
We came from Brazil (our home country), to Canada about three years ago. We are pastoring a small country church in interior Saskatchewan and I am so glad I found CLU. These classes have helped me literally keep going in ministry. During these years I registered with CLU and was able to finish my Doctor of Ministry degree in December of 2011.
Special thanks to Drs. Mark and Patti Virkler and to Dr. Karen King my student advisor, who helped me achieve this goal. They have a passion for the Lord and love to see people grow in their relationship with Him. It was a great experience. I want to encourage you today… slow down, stop, listen to the Lord first, obey, and then work as much as you can. You will be blessed and will experience success in your life and ministry.
Artur Esau
Related Resources:
How to Start a Bible School in Your Church
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