This is what Patricia Cain had to say after taking the “30 Day Challenge” which is part of the HEA102 Take Charge of Your Health course offered at Christian Leadership University.
As part of the course I read the book entitled Fast Your Way to Health by Lee Bueno-Aguer, I started to cry as I read the chapter entitled Eating to Live or Living to Eat. This was Aug. 2007. I realized that I was sinning by not taking care of my body the temple of the Holy Ghost. I would see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 as clear as day, which states: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
I asked the Lord to forgive me for abusing His temple. As I recalled the events leading up to my reading this book and taking the class, Take Charge of Your Health, which was about June 2007, I could not walk from my car to Wal-Mart or the mall without getting out of breath. I felt bad and tired all the time. I thought I was dying.
In church, I could not jump and shout as I love to do in praising God. And I was constantly praying to God to please don’t let me die before the congregation. As I drove in my vehicle, I was praying Lord don’t let me kill myself or anyone else on the highway. My family did not know how sick I really was. Even though I was taking medication, my blood pressure continued to rise (190/101); I felt as if my life was over and crashing right in upon me. I even had a dream that I got angry with my husband and fell dead in the kitchen. It was the tears of my youngest grandchild which revived me. She said to me, Don’t die, grandma! And I promised her I would not.
I could not get that dream out of my mind. When I went to my doctor, he increased my blood pressure medications. I told my doctor that I was going to take charge of my own health. He did not respond. The increased medication was not working, my pressure was still elevating and I felt lousy. I started praying for strength to do what I had to do to get well and walk in divine health. On August 29, 2007, my youngest son-in-law gave me a jar of pure coconut oil as a birthday gift. I started taking a tablespoon of it twice a day and within weeks I started feeling good inside.
On September 27, 2007, I decided I was going to take full charge of my own health. So I started walking but I could not walk ten minutes without being out of breath and hurting in my legs and back. But I was determined to continue to do the things that Dr. Virkler suggested in his book, Go Natural!
I also started eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking 8 glasses of filtered water. I realized one day that I was not feeling tired anymore and I could walk from my car to Wal-Mart and around in the store without feeling bad or out of breath. I could even jump and shout in church. Hallelujah! Praise God!
During the first week of October, I started taking multivitamins and other supplements, such as drinking two capfuls of super fruit juice twice daily. By November 30, 2007, my pressure was 115/66; I am feeling great, walking, exercising and loving every minute of it. As a matter of fact, I am now walking 4 laps in 22 minutes. Glory to God!
Also, I have lost 19 pounds in the process. It is my desire to walk 2 miles in 45 minutes and come off some of the blood pressure medication. I pray by June 2008 that I will see an even greater improvement in my health.
This class has been a blessing to me. I can safely say that it saved my life. And I thank God for leading me to take classes through this school. I pray that everything that God leads you all to do will be even greater than you could even ask, think or imagine.
Gwendolyn Brown Took Charge of Her Health
I took the 30-Day Challenge from the back of the Go Natural book and my commitment to the Genesis diet, exercise, water, and vitamins and herbs has permanently been altered. The way I look and the way I feel has changed my entire life.
I was suffering with chronic bronchitis, arthritis in my knees, and fatigue. Before the Genesis diet I was tormenting myself and blaming the food industry. I tried all types of diet plans and they were not working. So I’ve made a conscious decision to every day plan my meals. I am 70% meat free. I don’t eat any red meats, only fish and chicken and turkey.
Is it time for you to improve your health by taking the course Take Charge of Your Health?
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