"It was a hot June day in Tulsa, maybe 35 years ago, and I was attending a regional Christian conference. One of the speakers was Alan Bryan – a good ole’ boy with a heavy Alabama accent who began his presentation with those words. Dogs don’t bark at tombstones.
It was almost delicious – these remarkable words, contorted through the accent that was almost a caricature, laid out over the audience and catching us up as if in a butterfly net. We all stared at him, wondering what was coming next. Alan went on to explain, and then defend his title. Dogs don’t bark at tombstones.
So, if you are figurately dead, content to stay within your comfort zones, afraid to verbalize your Christianity, then the dogs won’t bark at you." Read the rest of the story at: https://www.thebiblicalbusiness.com/bark-at-christians/
Note from Mark Virkler: Jesus sure had quite a few "dogs" (Pharisees) who barked at Him. Guess we should expect the same if we are following His pattern. Here is a fascinating interview with three national figures today who each are making dogs bark at them. They are Vivek Ramaswamy, RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson.
It is a remarkably healing, enlightening, and hope-producing discussion between a Democrat, a Republican, and an Independent. There is no fighting, only agreement on the things that must be done to make America better than it ever has been. If you listen with an open heart and mind, you will learn things while gaining confidence that it is time for us all to become the people that make dogs bark.
And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts (1 Tim. 2:2, TPT).
Journaling exercise
Lord, what do You want to speak to me so I lift a faith-filled standard that brings righteousness and hope to my land?
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