I heard a sermon on it. I watched a video about it. I memorized a verse about it. Why, I even memorized the correct answer and repeated it back on a test. So for sure I know it now, right?
Maybe not. I can memorize 1 Peter 2:17 which says to "honor all people", yet still be judging and scorning most I come in contact with. Would you say I've really learned that Scripture?
When we learn something, we move through these stages
- Automatically, instinctively doing it wrong (Unaware of your unconscious negative inner thoughts, pictures and emotions)
- Automatically, instinctively doing it right (Rom. 2:13; Jas. 1:22). Take the time necessary to master living by the Spirit so you intuitively, instinctively release Christ’s character and power continuously (Gal. 5:22-24; 1 Cor. 12:7-11).
To move from lifestyle one to lifestyle two, you must:
- Become conscious of your automatic negative thoughts, pictures and emotions
- Become conscious of how to change these and do things right
- Consciously practice doing things right
Slowing down and truly learning
I have decided to try to learn one truth every three months, and if that is not possible, I will extend the time period to a year or two years. This works for me. I actually change, and really, isn't that the goal? Plus, I gain an experience which I can share with others to help them on their way. Let's take the time for transformation!
My 9-year-old granddaughter has created the following animation to help illustrate the message of this blog. Click on the green flag to watch it. (If you're reading this via email and it doesn't appear, click here to view it on our website).
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