- Super Nutrient is the best superfood and energy booster we have ever experienced. We have taken this for years and love it. I experience pure energy when I take it.
- IC-1 provides daily, healthy cleansing of the colon, helping rid your body of poisons and toxins. We have used this for years.
- Cellyte Detox is a wonderful detoxifier you can put in any liquid you drink, and on any skin problems. We have used this for years.
- Greens First is a gluten free, nutrient-rich, phytonutrient & antioxidant super-food that helps you maintain a highly alkaline body like nothing else! It balances, supports and nourishes your whole body…plus, it gives you something unexpected GREAT TASTE!
The Places I Choose to Go First to Resolve My Health Needs
Life Extension (Wonderful monthly magazine; amazing search bar in the top center of their site where you can type in any health condition and get clinical research and recommended products, and an 800 number you can call to talk free with a holistic MD. What they recommend often gets adopted by the FDA about 15 years later.)
Dr. Schultz (I love his outstanding blog, excellent 5 day cleanses, which restored me to full health, and great packets of superfood for when I am on the road - see his "Superfood on the go" . When teaching all day, I take a packet on my salad at lunch time and have energy all afternoon, and I can repeat the process at dinner time and have energy all evening. Amazing!)
Health Care Ministries International (Great MRT training and lots of informative free downloads)
Additional Resources for Maintaining Maximum Health
Learn How to Take Charge of Your Health - "Go Natural"
Let Your Body Speak to You Through MRT - "Health Mastery Through MRT"
Heal Heart Wounds which Produce Physical Sickness - “Prayers That Heal the Heart”
Check Out Our eBook: Healthier Today Than Yesterday
This book was written after losing weight on a very calorie restricted diet and it details the things we needed to learn in order to keep the weight off. Find out more and get your copy today.
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