From Douglas Sterner: Hallelujah! This morning at church, I tried “entering vision” during our worship. I pictured myself bowing before the throne of God and being consumed by the fire of God from the glassy sea before the throne. In so doing, I felt “strangely warmed” within and felt close to God – ministered to by His Spirit and wonderfully aware of His presence and His reality. I was blessed!
Lord, how would You have me use the eyes of my heart?
Child, dear one, when you picture Me in your mind’s eye using your sanctified imagination, you are coming to Me by faith. It’s the means I have provided by My Spirit to make our meeting together real to you. It’s just a means to an end – a way to consciously be with Me by faith. You already know in your head that I’m with you but that’s not always enough, is it? You want to feel Me. You want to experience Me. You want to feel My touch and really know Me. By opening the eyes of your heart (something you choose to do), you can meet with Me in a very real way that will impact your heart and draw you closer and closer to Me.
So don’t hesitate to open your spiritual eyes, the eyes of your imagination, for in so doing, you are exercising your faith without which you cannot please Me. You draw near to Me by faith just as you are saved by faith. Faith sees. Faith pictures. Faith imagines. And when faith is exercised, spiritual reality, My reality bursts forth. As promised, My Spirit will take over and you will enjoy sweet, precious fellowship with Me that will bless and transform your life and bring Me great delight and joy. I love you, Doug. Come to Me. I’ll bless the socks off of you!
Lord, how important is journaling in my life?
Doug, I know it helps you in your weakness to grab hold of My voice and to record it before it flitters away or you forget. It helps you to capture the bubbling up of My Spirit’s thoughts within you. You know, Doug, from your experience today that it can bring great blessing to you because it facilitates relationship and fellowship with Me. It’s been real, hasn’t it? You have enjoyed meeting with Me today, haven’t you? You’ve been blessed. Journaling facilitated that and now you have a precious permanent record of our time together. Isn’t that encouragement enough to continue?
Additional Resources: 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice provides training on how to hear God's voice and how to see vision.
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You are Now One of the 5%
by Mark Virkler
When I poll groups in my seminars, only 5% use the eyes of their hearts when they worship. You have now joined that 5%. Good for you
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