Mark, every word you speak, every thought you think, every picture you imagine, and every belief you hold which is contrary to Scripture takes you backward rather than forward because it is evil, sinful, and wrong (see Jeremiah 7:24 KJV).
To replace these evil imaginations with godly imaginations I ask you to gain My view of life's events, not by listening to non-illumined newscasters but instead spending your time meditating on My word, communing with Me and listening to My proven prophets. As My pictures fill your heart and mind you will increase in kingdom power, kingdom authority, kingdom compassion and kingdom healing.
The keys to releasing anointing, power, and victory are:
- Think ONLY what My word and My spirit say (about self, others, life)
- Speak ONLY what My word and My spirit say (about self, others, life)
- Picture ONLY what My word and My spirit say (about self, others, life)
- Believe ONLY what My word and My spirit say (about self, others, life)
Examples of this being done properly and improperly
- Israelites did it wrong - "We are going to die in this wilderness" = They died in the wilderness
- David did it right - "The Lord is my refuge and my strength" = he became king
- We do it wrong - "Wickedness rules and we are headed for destruction" = we are overcome by evil
- We do it right - "Of the increase of His government there will be no end" = we overcome darkness
Worry = is meditation on satan's lies rather than God's truths
- "The steadfast of mind ("imagination" in the Hebrew) you will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You." (Isa. 26:30)
- We all meditate all day long (ponder, picture, anticipate). Let's stop meditating on lies that are contrary to the Bible and the Spirit, and instead meditate ONLY on God's truth. Then we go forward (faith, hope, love, life) rather than backward (fear, hopelessness, anger, death).
- Here is the seven-step process of meditation as taught in the Bible. Review these steps and DO them!
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