It is very hard to find any balanced information. Most of the standard news sites are promoting a liberal agenda, so if I wanted to discover news on the conservative side, where could I go? Following is a partial list of such websites. Obviously, I don't agree with everything any news site puts out. I don't even agree with myself half the time, which is why I change my books when they are re-published. So no need to fuss about total agreement. However, if you are looking for an alternative view of the news, the following will provide you with that. Obviously, you pray about everything you hear and let the Lord speak to you concerning His views and the action He wants you to take.
General News - Largely Political but a wide spectrum of issues are explored
- FlashPoint - Two POWERFUL PROGRAMS EACH week. We watch both shows every week!
- Make this your first Flashpoint broadcast to view!
- Flashpoint has many great links on their home page
- Charisma News - Worldwide news with a Christian perspective
- Daystar TV - Christian broadcasting with an emphasis on Faith
- The Western Journal – Excellent worldwide news
- The Epoch Times - Outstanding worldwide news from people who have fled China for freedom of speach
- EpochTV - News from a conservative stance
- Trunews - Worldwide news with a Christian perspective
- Gateway Pundit - Conservative news
Ways to get involved in political issues and bring healing to our land
- I Need to experience salvation - a website that walks you through the steps to salvation
- Intercessors For America - Be up to date on things to pray about
- Truth And Liberty Coalition - Excellent news with the belief the church should be involved
- Million Voices – How to get involved in saving our nation
- True The Vote - Guides you on how to become involved in the voting process and upcoming elections
- My Faith Votes - 25 million registered Christians don't vote! This MUST stop!
- Love Your Law - Helping Churches and Ministries Understand Law and Tax
- National Association of Christian Lawmakers - Bring Lawmakers Together to Support Biblical Principles
Health information
- Coffee and Covid – A fun, encouraging morning read by a Florida attorney about the absurdity of today's world
- Truth for Health Foundation - Resources galore
- Updated injury statistics from the government website VAERS, plus studies galore. Only 1% reported says Harvard million dollar study. Actual report here.
- America's Frontline Doctors - Trusted health information
- Natural News - Conservative, well-researched articles
How you can discover health remedies by doing trusted searches
- Dr Axe - Type any ailment in this search bar and TRUSTED, researched answers come up
- Life Extension - Type any ailment in this search bar and TRUSTED, researched answers come up
- Mercola - Type any ailment in this search bar and TRUSTED, researched answers come up
- GreenMedInfo - Type any ailment in this search bar and TRUSTED, researched answers come up
Public Schooling, family rights and homeschooling
- 1776 Project - a political action committee dedicated to electing school board members nationwide who want to reform our public education system by promoting patriotism and pride in American history
- Home School Legal Defense Association - Making Home Schooling Possible
- Parental Rights – Protecting Children By Empowering Parents
- Moms For Liberty - Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.
- Underground Education - Homeschooling Resources
Documentary videos
- 2000 Mules Documentary - Watch with your own eyes, voting irregularities
- Uniformed Consent - 2-hour documentary
- The Real Story of Jan 6 - a video documentary by Epoch Times
- Send Me - What started as a mission of thirteen friends to save one Afghan interpreter quickly turned into one of the largest civilian rescue operations in history
The Christian history of the United States
- WallBuilders - Christian history of America
- Heritage Guide to the Constitution - Free digital guide to the constitution
- Patriot Academy - National Biblical Citizenship Class
Legal assistance
- American Center for Law and Justice – News, petitions, legal help
- Rentz Law - fighting against government tyranny
Praying about the news
My prayer is for righteousness to be exalted and wickedness to be undermined and removed. I pray for the evil principalities and powers to be bound and cast down in Jesus name and for the Holy Spirit to be released to convince and convict.
The national conflict is being played out in many family relationships, causing brokeness between friends and family members. We are responsible to live at peace with all men, as much as it is possible. Love, honor, forgiveness, unity, peace - these are the hallmarks of the Kingdom. If you find yourself at odds with anyone, but especially someone close to you, prayerfully consider how the Lord wants you to apply these keys.
There are five keys to resolving conflict – regardless of the level they are on
(The section below is taken from Bill Dupley’s blog posted here)
1. Peacemaker:
You have to want to make peace. You have to be committed to a resolution. If this is not in your heart, then you will likely not resolve conflict. If your goal is to prove that you're right, and the other person is wrong, the likelihood of conflict resolution is low.
2. Humility:
Approach conflict resolution by acknowledging that you might be wrong, and the other person might be right. Be open to correction or even criticism.
3. Forgiveness:
Be willing to forgive and to ask forgiveness. We all make mistakes. We have all sinned. Jesus says in the Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us."
4. Listen to each other:
- Yield to another's admonition or advice.
- Listen to the other person's point of view.
- Listen to their position, beliefs, and boundaries.
- Listen to their reasons respectfully.
- Listen without judgment.
- Put yourself in the other person's shoes and practice empathy.
- Don't be in a hurry to defend yourself or speak.
- Listening and empathy can do more for resolving conflict than anything else.
- Avoid confrontational responses
- It is said communication stops when the yelling begins.
- Avoid absolute statements like "you always" and "you never."
- No name-calling.
- Don't criticize or put down people.
- Ask questions and take time to clarify and confirm your understanding and reflect on what you hear respectfully.
- Be honest with yourself: if you find yourself being unreasonable or conflicted in your heart, be open to listening to another.
Journaling Application
- Lord, how do You want me to show honor toward all men?
- Lord, how do You want me to pray?
- Lord, what action would You have me take?
Related Resources:
How to Hear God's Voice!Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice
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