Ben, it is the desire of My heart that My people look at people’s hearts, not there affiliations, their appearances,
Lord, but what about looking at values as a guide to voting?
Ben, looking at people’s hearts is more valuable than using values as a yardstick. However, from an earthly standpoint, if one looks at values as a guide, then I want those values to be based upon My written Word, upon My spoken words.
Lord, then how do we look at people’s hearts?
Ben, you learn to look at people’s hearts by spending time with Me. By spending time with Me, you are enabled to hear My voice, My desires, My way of doing things. I want My people to do as I do, not as they think they should do. Follow My pattern! Do nothing until you hear or see Me do it (John 5:19, 20, 30)! I know this takes time, but remember, time spent with Me is well worth the time, full of My blessings and My rewards!
Voting-His heart in the matter.
by Anonymous
This is exactly what God was speaking to me, and why I shared about the poor. I have no political affiliation, and had not chosen one. I simply shared what the Holy Spirit was prompting me to share. The Lord was showing me that their attitude towards the poor would reflect what their heart was really like. (Because there is so much deception, going on--and a man really does not know what is in his own heart.) We need to incline our ear as the Lord has prompted. When it's all said and done, He holds their heart in his hand, and will take care of the rest.
In Christ, Sharie
by Ben Lunis
Thanks so much for your comments. It is uplifting to get confirmation from others on what
our wonderful Lord is sharing with me.
Many blessings to you,
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