LaWanda - O precious Jesus. I love you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you that this attack has ended. Thank you for your grace continually poured out on me. Thank you for allowing me to see Your word is the hatchet, the weapon, to be planted in the enemy’s gut.
Jesus - There were three attacks, LaWanda. The first attack showed the power of My Name. The second one, that attacks are sometimes just annoyances, distractions or frustrations. The third attack showed that the Sword of the Spirit, which is My Word, is the weapon that will kill – permanently stop - the attack. But sometimes, it must be planted forcefully in the enemy’s gut to do it. And you must be the one who does it.
LaWanda - Thank you, Lord. I knew you were there all the time waiting. I knew the ball was in my court, but I just could not hit it. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for reminding me that the Word (the weapon/the SWORD of the Spirit) must be planted by MY mouth, forcefully and INTENTIONALLY, into the enemy’s gut. It may take all that is within me to do it, but do it, I must. Once planted there, even as with a seed, YOU do the rest. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
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