Thank You, Father, for Your mercy on my loved one. A long, fearful, prayerful day, yesterday. And now life continues, by Your grace. What would you have me hear from You this day, Lord?
Spirit to spirit is the true union of love - friends and lovers cherish one another, allow mistakes, listen quietly, share and bear one another’s joys and sorrows, allow great freedom, weep together, dance together, walk together life’s jumbled path. Within each unique heart there is the ability to interface with many other hearts. As you continue to turn to Me, listen for Me, perceive My voice, I will share more and more of My heart with you. Not just words on a page, concepts in your mind, knowledge of My ways, but experientially you will feel, what I am feeling. Yet, only as you are able to bear.
As you share with Me your innermost thoughts and emotions, unafraid, without fear of judgment or punishment, freely and without restraint, our transparency toward one another will increase. Are you ready for that? Are you prepared to share and receive at that level and dimension? I am not far away. I am as close as your next breath - your next heartbeat. Our relationship is to be a divine miracle of Life to life. Love to love. Spirit to spirit. Look for Me 24/7. Be attentive to My voice, My thoughts, My touch. I will show and share with you not only the daily doing, but also the daily being, for you are My dearly beloved, and I am yours.
Your Friend and Lover,
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