12-25-12 Happy Birthday, Jesus! I thank and praise You for coming to earth and going through what You had to do to make it possible for us to come into Your Holy presence! You are so awesome! And You are coming soon! Thank You, thank You, thank You!
Ben, I knew from the beginning what I would have to go through to set My people free to worship in Spirit and in truth. And I did it because of My great love for you, for everyone! Now it is time to rejoice, to rejoice for what I did and for what I am going to do, primarily returning for My church! Tough times are coming for many, but I want My children to know that I am always with them and that I will guide and lead them through anything and everything. What I really desire is for My people to come and spend time in My presence so that I can heal them, so that I can bless them in many ways. So many are too busy for Me, and this saddens My heart. Oh that they would respond to My calls, My prophets, My messengers!
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