If you would like to experience what the Apostle John experienced in the book of Revelation, as he went to heaven and interacted with the heavenly hosts, you can. Pastor Joe Brock will actually set you on your way. The streaming audio below is a recording of an amazing Spirit-anointed visionary journey we enjoyed on the Sunday morning following our just-concluded CLU Graduation Celebration in Orlando, Florida.
Joe Brock, a CLU student and our newest Certified CWG Facilitator, has taken his congregation on trips to heaven on numerous occasions. I myself have experienced such trips. You see, the Bible says that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6). So we are already there! We are both seated in heaven, and walking on earth. We are in both places simultaneously. Quantum physics has proven this is clearly possible (superposition).
So we can view ourselves down here, or up there. We choose which set of eyes we want to use, and which plane we want to be tuned to. We can use the eyes of our hearts and tune to the spiritual plane, or we can use our physical eyes and tune to the earthly plane.
Well, in this spiritual exercise we use the eyes of our hearts and go into the heavenlies. In the streaming audio below, Joe spends the first part of the service laying a strong scriptural foundation for having this experience, as well as sharing some exciting testimonies from others he's taken to heaven.
Then beginning at 1 hour and 20 minutes into the audio recording, Joe starts the trip to heaven. The group has the supernatural experience, and we then conclude the service with testimonies as people share what they saw, felt and heard. My 7-year-old grandson Hudson began the sharing time by telling about his experience, and later he shares more that he remembered. My 9-year-old granddaughter Bekah also shares her amazing story during the testimony time, as do many others.
This provides a biblical understanding for you to experience heaven now, and to lead groups into heavenly encounters.
Lord, expand our experiences with You, allowing us to discover that we can live the Bible!
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- When Heaven Touches Earth - A theological framework for heavenly encounters
- How to Hear God's Voice - Hard copy package
- Hearing God's Voice - Electronic download package
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How to Hear God’s Voice
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