My commandments for you include turning the other cheek, and not resisting evil. Do you find this hard to do? Do you understand why it is important? Consider the alternatives. The temptation is to respond in kind to insults, injuries, and provocations. This creates an escalating cycle of anger and violence. It takes two to play this game, but you can refuse to play. You can choose to act according to your internal compass rather than react to external provocations, and break the cycle of anger and violence. In the eyes of some people this will make you a loser, but in my eyes it makes you a winner.
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How to Hear God’s Voice
by ktanner
wow! this hit home today as I continue to pray for Brett Kavanaugh as he gives answer - "The temptation is to respond in kind to insults, injuries, and provocations. ... In the eyes of some people this will make you a loser, but in My eyes it makes you a winner" -even though he looks like the 'loser'. thank you Lord for Your comfort.
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