CLU has a dynamic Bible School in Togo, Africa, which has just conducted its 9th graduation. Enjoy the pictures and testimonies of lives transformed by the voice of God!
Hi, I am one of the CFL (in English LTC: Leadership Training Center) students in Togo. I received my Associate Degree from CLU (Christian Leadership University) this August 25, 2018. I thank God for the life of our Director for building this school.
Before attending LTC, I was already a Christian but I have never got a real experience with God. It was something I really need in my life. Glory be to God, at LTC, I have achieved it through the lessons of “Communion With God”, which helped me a lot. In the first year of my training, I was just happy to attend a Bible school but going on, I have learnt so many things that, and particular to me, is the awareness of things I got in these three years. I thank God a lot for making this school a practical one because through this, I mastered more ministry life and what God from me to do in my life for His kingdom.
May God bless you!
I am 22 years old, born again Christian at Eglise des Vaillants en Christ. I was student in Bank and Finances before starting Biblical studies at CFL (in English LTC: Leadership Training Center).
Emotionally speaking, I am puerile and a little bit possessive! I have been always told to go to school to get great degrees in order to become rich; I have to do the will of God both at school and church. For me, it was the fact of collecting degrees and look for jobs and at church, I was happy to do what is worthy to be done without trying to understand. When I came to LTC, I told myself to work hard and be the first in rank of the class, to have the great degree from US to prove to myself that I am the best!!
As the courses started, they directed my attention to a detail I had really ignored: my heart. Almost all of the courses were in the sense of doing good to me, to change me, and to let me discover many things, I was no more reading my courses just for the sake of having higher marks but to construct myself to be closer to God, to enter the spiritual world.
Today I finish the three years training and I could realize that I have changed a lot, the simple information that I was receiving, were giving me power to get rid of some attitudes and characters. I made great steps to maturity, I discovered the way God speaks through dreams and revelations… and over all this, I discovered my ministerial and spiritual leadership capacity and I thank God a lot. I also thank Christian Leadership University (CLU) which makes available many of those courses through LTC.
Before, I was ignoring my dreams and was not even writing them but now I am considering a lot my dreams, I now use to write them and been waiting revelations to understand them through courses of Communion With God and dreams and vision.
Through these courses of Five Ministries, Mission/Vision statement, I now know my call and what I have to do.
Thanks to CWG, Naturally Supernatural courses, my prayer life and intimacy with Christ is performed day by day.
I have a new way of seeing finances and I believe in the Lord that silver and gold belong to Him; I have faith that He will make me demonstrate the power of His Kingdom through finances.
In my first year at CFL (in English LTC: Leadership Training Center), I shared a great number of thoughts that God put in my heart which was nothing more than evangelism.
Since my coming to LTC, there was a great revival in me, my personal life changed more, scales got down from my eyes and I can see more clearly. My characters changed more. There were a lot of transformations in my spiritual and physical life. The teachings specially focused on my ministry and reveal it more to me. The center does not only transform me but also other in my family and at my living place had benefits from this transformation in my life. If someone comes to the center, He is obliged to be led by the Holy Spirit who will break the bad characters and the person will go back blessed with teachings that we receive, he will do greater things on spiritual, physical and financial domains.
The Lord is at LTC to transform people; it is to our availability for God to let Him do so.
How You Can Help Train Students Worldwide
CLU provides training in developing countries at greatly reduced prices. You can seed into these nations through partnering with Communion With God Ministries and making your donation here.
Thank you for joining with us in changing the world - one student at a time!
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