Matthew 24:14 says: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all of the world as a witness to the nations, and then the end will come." Jesus, Lord, what is the gospel of the kingdom?
Ben, it is proclaiming who I am and what I did. It is proclaiming that I was crucified for the sins of all people, that I descended into hell and that I arose victoriously over death and hell on the third day. It is the gospel of peace, of restitution, of freedom. It is the message of hope and deliverance. It is manifested with signs and wonders and miracles! It is setting My people free to worship Me in Spirit and in truth!
Lord, how does the gospel of the kingdom being proclaimed to all fit into "and then the end will come"?
Ben, in these last days, I will pour out many signs and wonders that will draw people to Me. In turn, they will share the message of the gospel of the kingdom with others. When I am satisfied that all who need to hear My message will have heard, I will bring about events to cause people to cry out to Me. The end does not refer to the end of planet earth -it is the end of the period of grace.
Share with others what I am sharing with you. I want My people to walk in the miraculous! I want them to stop being religious, to humble themselves before Me, to seek My face, so that we can bring healing and restoration and forgiveness to many who have not yet been reached.
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the end of the world
by Anonymous
After years of believing and receiving the fearmongering about the end of the world, courtesy of prophecy preaching, I suddenly realized (thank you, Holy Spirit) that, while the end-time and events prophesied surrounding it are real and true, it is all about the end of the people of this world's (and formerly our own) world as they know it (and we knew it). (Per the Word of God, believers who rest in the truth and promises of His Word are only spectators and witnesses of His fulfillment of it.) We have learned and continue to learn how the lies that have formed the foundation for one's life don't last forever; Grace&Truth (one word in the Greek, representing Christ) does! As we keep our focus on Christ, we are (as we are beholding) transformed, from glory to glory. This "manifestation of the saints" that the world has been groaning in travail for the birth of (since the fall of Adam) will continue until the day of Christ's return when it will be completed in full, as fast as you can blink your eye! Maranatha! So great is our Father's love for the world!
the end of the world.
by Anonymous
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Many blessings to you as you draw closer to our Lord Jesus!
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