This newly released book is by Dr. Isabelle Declercq, a graduate of Christian Leadership University, and a two-way journaler. It helps spread the message of spiritual intimacy and may be purchased here. ‘Within the first pages, she takes you through her lively dialogues with God, fun encounters with angels, dreams, and visions which were all God’s communication channels for the writing of this book. Life with God is never boring!!’ I, Mark Virkler, just finished reading this book and found it fascinating. You will enjoy it.
A timely book for the times we are living in to keep us close to our Heavenly Bridegroom. It strips away all the unnecessary baggage and toxic thoughts we believe about our loving Heavenly Father and the kind of relationship He desires to enjoy with us. Childlike faith is the means by which we get the closest to God, in fact it is the requirement to enter the Kingdom of God. This powerful childlike faith enables us to feel completely secure as a child in a loving Father’s arms.
Isabelle’s book teaches you countless principles and helps you on your way to profound intimacy with your Heavenly Father.
In this book Isabelle opens her heart in vulnerability and humility to the reader. She, in obedience to Holy Spirit, takes the risk to invite you in to walk alongside her and peek into and observe the delicate dance of a spirit and soul in harmony. By sharing her own struggles and surrender, she leads you to victory. This book is a testimony of an overcomer! 2 Corinthians 1:12 rings true about her; “For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.”
Come and open your heart and let her take you by the hand as you join her on a journey of discovering the simplicity of childlike faith and the massive freedom and rewards this potentially can have for each child of God, if only you will give it a try. Enjoy the practical way in which Isabelle leads you to engage with God as she shares recent examples of her own step-by-step Spirit-led guidance, making you feel you can do this as well!
She skilfully combines scientific studies that stimulate the intellect with an appeal to the heart/spirit. This enlightens yet graciously bypasses the mind and goes straight to the centre where true life flows from (Proverbs 4:23).
Be open to be gently challenged to let God lead, instead of our own soul with its reasoning capabilities and education. In today’s power driven, humanistically programmed society where the mind is king, this book brings a reprieve, a relief and breathing space to just be and let God… It is practical and life-giving.
Enjoy the beauty and simplicity of childlike faith and the unencumbered joy it embodies.
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