The journaling below is from Gary Robinson, who is completing one of the assignments in the CLU School of the Spirit module, titled “Counseled by God.”

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matt. 5:8)
Lord, what do you want to show me about this verse?
Do you see My child how much your heart matters in your relationship with Me, and your spiritual life? Every day make it a priority to give your heart to Me as well as your mind and body. Spend focused time yielding your heart to Me, in inviting Me in as you commune with Me in prayer.
As you pray through the prayer I gave My followers see how important it is to fully engage with every section of the prayer with your whole being, your heart, mind (illumined reason and imagination), your will, and your body; make a connection in all areas of your being and in every section of the prayer your goal.
Lord, why is it only the pure in heart that see you?
Ah, Gary, that is a good question. Don’t for a minute think that it is because I refuse to show Myself unless someone is pure in heart as if I am withholding Myself or that My children have to earn seeing Me by becoming pure; that is not it at all!
Impurity and sin in your life act as filters that cover your spiritual eyes, they distort your vision of Me. Have you noticed that people who behave a certain way, for instance, competitive people tend to think others around them are being competitive with them even when they are not? Their own behavior acts as a filter and causes them to see others as they are and to be like them; they see the world through that filter.
In the same way, impurities in your heart filter your perception of Me. The more your heart is purified the more you will be able to see Me as I really am, not the way that your filters distort My image. I am always available, always revealing Myself, the problem or any blockage is never with Me but only the sight of My children.
As you spend time with Me, with My voice the more you will know Me and the filters will be removed. There can be filters of religion, of rejection, of bad relationships with parents especially fathers, and many, many others. Theology and study cannot remove these only ongoing encounters with Me can.
See how many distorting filters I have removed from your eyes already, I want to remove them all because then you will see Me. The more clearly you see Me and behold My glory, the more you will become like Me and reflect My glory. The very essence of this is that I AM LOVE. To the degree that you grasp that, to the same degree, you will be conformed to My image, love.
Make your entire walk with Me a matter of the heart, no matter how long you have been doing this, no matter how far you think you have come, you have still only just begun, and that is a beautiful thing because when I created you I put eternity in your heart. This means that only eternal things that go on forever that never come to an end, that are ever increasingly experienced can satisfy your deepest longings. The fact that no matter where you are on the journey you have only scratched the surface of My Being and love means that there is an eternity’s worth of never-ending, ever-deepening experiences of being wowed, being wooed, being full of wonder and awe at the beauty of My love and goodness and Being; it is the never-ending supply that you need, enjoy it, it’s for you, and all My beloved."
Journaling Application
Lord, what would You speak to me concerning Matthew 5:8?
Action – Sign up for this Counseled by God Module
- Gary: “I am absolutely reveling in the School of the Spirit, it's a beautiful experience and journey.”
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