What Angels Are Doing Around the World Right Now by Charity Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

Some people wonder, Why should we see angels? Why learn about angels and how could we actually work together with them anyway? Hopefully you’ve joined in our free online event where we answer these questions and more by exploring exactly what Scripture says and what we can learn from the examples of our biblical heroes about angelic interaction.

We see that Phillip partnered with an angel in evangelism, which led to the Ethiopian eunuch coming to faith. This man was an influential leader in his nation, in charge of the Queen’s treasury, and as a result of his radical conversion the Gospel was taken to Ethiopia. And it all started because Phillip obeyed the angel’s message of where to minister and when (Acts 8:26-40).

Similarly, Cornelius was directed by an angel who gave him instructions to meet with Peter. As a result of this angelic visitation, salvation came to him and his entire household (Acts 10). In fact, this was the first time the Gospel was ever preached to the Gentiles, and they immediately were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues too. Again, it all started because Cornelius listened to the angel Holy Spirit sent to him.

What if Phillip hadn’t followed the angel’s instruction? What if Cornelius didn’t do as the angel directed him? What kind of blessings would they, their families, and their nations have missed out on? We don’t want to miss out on any of the ministry opportunities God is orchestrating for us, which means we want to honor the ministry of angels in our lives.

Partnering with Angels

And it’s easier than you think! I want to share a few very recent stories from readers who have put into practice partnering with angels. How has it affected their lives? What is different now, and what kind of results are they seeing? Just listen to the powerful testimony I received this week from a young woman who is "all alone" on the other side of the world.

Carrie (not her real name) is a missionary in Asia. In the natural, it would seem she is by herself. However, instead of looking at the things that are seen, she keeps seeking the things above and sets her mind on the spirit realm (see 2 Cor. 4:18, Col. 3:2 and Rom. 8:5). As a result, she experiences the reality of the company of Heaven – Jesus and His angels – doing life together with her every day. She is not lonely because she knows she is not alone. Carrie writes…

“It is SUCH an asset to be able to 'see' angels here. Angels marching with me when I go places I'm afraid of, angels chatting with me in English during church services when I'm crying for the loneliness of not understanding a word the preacher is saying, angels assigned to something else perched on a random roof and waving at me as I walk by.”

Angels are encamped around us, and when we see that scriptural truth, we are fearless and peaceful (Ps. 34:7). If we don't want to feel afraid any longer, worried that we are alone or anxious about the future, we can learn to look into the spirit and see the angels God promises are protecting us (Ps. 91:11-12). The Bible says we have supernatural bodyguards.

During this time when so many around the world are staying inside their homes and sheltering in place, people want to know they are not alone. Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and angels are there too. It’s a full house! And when they can open their spiritual eyes to the spiritual realm and see the spiritual beings who live there, they will never have to feel lonely ever again.

Commissioning Angels                                                 

The heavens are the Lord's, but the earth He has given to the sons of men (Ps. 115:16). That's us. It is our responsibility to make our part of earth look just like heaven – and Cori Sanders in New Zealand is doing just that. She has been very missional in her interaction with the company of Heaven, giving voice to God’s word and activating angels to accomplish Father’s Kingdom purposes in exciting and strategic ways. Cori writes...

“Wow, Charity, I am SO GRATEFUL you came to New Plymouth and taught us about angels.  I've read your book but listening to you in person made a real difference.  My angels are now an ever-present reality in my life and I LOVE them!  I know that they've got my back and I just feel that extra layer of love and protection that Father has lavished upon me.  On top of that, I am keeping the armies of heaven BUSY, commissioning angels to visit people in their dreams or arrest them in their tracks and reveal Jesus to them using any and every natural and supernatural means possible!!!

I no longer feel helpless and alone.  I used to think ‘What can I do to win the world for Christ?  I am just one person without theological or apologetics training.’  But now, I know that I can PRAY and I can commission angels to go into all the world to bring Christ to the forefront of people's attention and tenaciously carry out that assignment until people make a decision for Jesus.  I am beyond excited!

“With what's happening in the world today, people are scared and looking for hope and answers, and the angels can reach places I cannot and will never be able to reach.  They are just waiting to be commissioned and I am delighted to keep them busy since we have the same agenda: to see Jesus Christ, the Hope of the world, lifted up and glorified.

“Many years ago, I read Frank Peretti's books: This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness.  They created a movie in my mind of what spiritual warfare looks like.  The church prays and the angels kick into action and charge into battle!  Learning about my angels and the role I can play in working with them for the end-time harvest is so thrilling!  It is electrifying!  Thank you so much for coming to ‘the ends of the earth’ to share this wonderful teaching.  God bless you!”

What Are the Results?

So after commissioning angels, what kind of supernatural results and miracles can we expect to see? You will not believe the immediate and extraordinary turnaround in this last testimony from Down Under! Notice especially how a quickly passing image in her mind’s eye, which could have easily been discounted or dismissed as her own imagination, was honored and prayed into. When she partnered with that picture, what happened next? (Permission granted to share, though names are changed.) Faith writes…

“I walked to work and was praying for an outreach our church runs in the morning to mums and toddlers. I saw a very quick picture, which I could have easily let go, but I chose to go back to it in my thinking. I saw a line of angels at our two church entrances and as mothers with children walked through the doors, an angel was allocated to each family and each child. I prayed into what I saw and asked that the Lord would breathe upon those families the atmosphere of heaven, that the angels would reveal Christ and protect the innocent children.

“I texted the vision to Jen, the leader of that ministry, to encourage her. She got back to me after the session to say that there had been one family her team had been praying for as the little boy was very disruptive, wore girl’s clothes, and wouldn't go into the other room for the music and Bible reading. His mother had no control over him and other mothers were starting to act differently towards the boy and his mum out of frustration and protection of their own.

“On this day the little boy had said to his mum before coming to daycare that he wanted to go into the other room today (where the songs and Bible story are sung/read!) and he dressed in boy's clothes. His mum was shocked. Jen and the team are so thankful and buzzing! She believes there is a spiritual influence on that boy that shifted that day. Last Monday he came in boy’s clothes and went into the music room again. We were all greatly encouraged by the picture and dispatch of many angels into the homes of families, and the amazing, unexpected results of that angelic intervention.” 


Praise God! We see the ministry of angels preparing a little heart to receive the Gospel just like happened in Scripture. God used angels in evangelism with Phillip and Cornelius, and He is still doing the same today. I encourage you to ask the Lord of Hosts how He wants you to partner with His heavenly hosts in reaching the lost in your city and spheres of influence. Jesus told us the harvesters are angels, so let’s work together with them to bring in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen (Matt. 13:39)!

Angels are ready to co-labor in the Great Co-Mission. Are you?


Related Resources: 

How to Engage Angels in Everyday Life   

Related Blogs: 

Angels   Seeing in the Spirit   
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