Freedom is Found One Truth at a Time; How to See in The Spirit & Have a Word of Knowledge

Tara Dulin's picture

My Lord speaks: “I set people free one truth at a time. Each truth draws My people one truth closer to Me. I AM the truth. The enemy is the Father of Lies. The bondage My enemy puts people in is based on lies. One truth at time, I set My people free. Every truth received breaks a chain that binds. Speak My words of truth. Allow My spirit to speak through your spirit to their spirit. Until their spirit knows how to connect to Mine, their spirit recognizes My truth spoken through your spirit. I speak to your spirit directly. Spirit to spirit power transfer and spirit to spirit communion is born out of fixing your eyes upon Me. When our eyes meet, I transfer My spirit, My truth, My love, My power directly into your spirit, your very being. This is how you remain in Me. This is why you cannot look away from Me. The power of My Lifeforce is like a vortex that pulls you in. Your gaze has literally been grafted into My eyes. Your spirit has literally been grafted into Mine. We are one. Remain in Me, live out of our communion, and every word you speak, everything you touch, everything you do is out of My flow. This is My desire that you and I would walk and talk together every moment of every day. Where you end and I begin will no longer be distinguishable. We are one as My Father and I are One. It is the perfect communion and perfect fellowship we share – My Spirit to yours – through the power of the Holy Spirit – spirit to spirit – that you were created to know intimately and live out of every moment of every day for all of eternity. My Father sent Me to show you the way back to Him. The flow of Our Spirit though your spirit is the result. The fruit of our fellowship and our communion is the flow of Our Spirit through yours.”

My eyes are fixed on Jesus. He is above me in His funnel cloud of glory. I am standing on His shoulders. My right hand is reaching into His cloud. The power transfer from Jesus’ eyes to mine feels like a red laser beam. It locks my eyes to His. I cannot look away. The river is flowing. I am the same color as His glory cloud. Jesus’ head turns around to look out, but my eyes are still locked to His by the laser beam. Jesus’ eyes search to and fro. The laser beam goes from my eyes, through His, out, searching for the mark.

“Tara, this is how you see through My eyes. As you fix your gaze to Mine, you will see through My eyes. The Spirit will highlight to you what I am doing.”

“Yes, Lord. Teach me how to see through Your eyes; how to know what You are doing.”

“You will know. You already do. Speak My word to hit My mark. This is a ‘word of knowledge’. It is My words hitting My mark. Keep your gaze locked to Mine and you will see through My glory, through My lens of love, in the Spirit. You will see My mark highlighted to you in the Spirit. Like you see the power transfer from My eyes to yours, you will see My power highlight My mark, speak My words. Release My truth to hit My mark. One truth at a time breaks one chain at a time. You will be so accustomed to your new eyesight that it will be as natural to you as your natural eyesight is to you now. Tune to flow. Look into Me in My glory cloud, and through My gaze you will see in the Spirit.”

“Let it be unto me according to Your word, Lord.”

“It already is. When I speak it, it is done.”

“Yes, Lord. I receive. I am Yours. Have your way in me. I surrender all.”

“That’s why I can give you My all. Where you end and I begin is no longer distinguishable.”

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Anonymous's picture

Tara, what an awesome word! We know this to be true from this journey we are all on ... of going deeper in hearing/seeing him. One truth at a time, sets a little bit more free as we let go of the lies. Knowing about Him is no longer enough. KNOWING Him is our birthright and inheritance. We just rejoice in what God is downloading to you and that you're able to share it so clearly and with so many! -Kyle

Tara Dulin's picture

AMEN! YES, knowing Him is our birthright and inheritance. We were created to walk in perfect, intimate fellowship with Him. Deep calls unto deep. Show us the way, Lord. Thanks, Kyle!

Anonymous's picture

Thanks so much for posting this vision! It speaks to where I am now as I try to live each day through my spirit. I do have a question....some of your posts seem very personal as only applicable to you. Do you believe this post is for all of us? Can I receive that as my instruction?



Tara Dulin's picture

Hi Lori! Thanks for the comment! The Lord has instructed me many times to "give away" what He is giving me. I believe He gives me these visions to not only instruct me, but to also encourage and teach others. Just as we can learn from the encounters others had with Jesus in the New Testament, I believe we can learn from the encounters others have with Him today. My encounters with Him are pure revelation to me. They lead me into deeper understanding of His truths. I submit them to others to confirm that their spirits bear witness that what I am hearing and seeing is the Lord. That being said, however, I would encourage you to continue to pursue the Lord and seek His face. If you desire an encounter with Him, or if you have questions of Him, ask. Those who ask, receive. If you knock, the door shall be opened for you too! (Have you done Mark & Patti Virkler's "4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" study yet? If not, there is no better place to start!) May you hear the Lord's heartbeat and experience a deeper revelation of His love for you today.

Anonymous's picture

Hi Tara, thanks so much for responding! Yes, I've completed the course through a was an experience that is beyond words. I am falling in love with my Saviour. Over the past several months His instruction to me is to come closer, deeper and to love him with all I am. He said journaling has been the door to Him, now He wants me all in. I thought I was, but He keeps saying it so I guess not.
My latest challenge is keeping fixed eyes on Him. I'm about to launch into a task he's given me to do, a live event, with absolutely no resources to speak of, no real connections and seemingly no way to really do this. But he told me to surrender all of it to him and to keep my gaze fixed on him.

That is a real struggle when it seems like nothing is happening! I've recently begun soaking but my mind is so busy it's tough to stay focused!

I've just begun a new focus

If you soak, can you share your process?



Tara Dulin's picture

Hi Lori! I am so glad you've done the course "The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice!" It has changed my life and my relationship with the Lord as well. Being "all in" and living only out of communion with Him and His love is a quantum leap for most of us. But it is so magnificent! Enjoy the journey. Embrace it. Leap into it in faith!
With respect to stepping into the task He's given you to do, it helps me to keep my eyes fixed on Him and follow His leading one step at a time, one choice at a time, one truth at a time. We only know in part, but the Holy Spirit promises to lead us into all truth and righteousness. In my experience, He does just that – one step, one choice, one truth at a time. I lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways, I acknowledge Him, then I take a step in the direction that He has given me. Then I do it again – one step, one choice, one truth at a time.
With respect to soaking, I used to soak and I would lay or sit still, and wait for Jesus to show up, or for the Holy Spirit to touch me. I don't do that anymore. My approach is more active rather than passive. For instance, during worship, I use the "4 Keys" I learned from the Virkler's teachings. I fix my eyes on Jesus and speak to Him in my spirit by basically following the first "3 keys". I quiet myself down, and with my eyes closed in worship and/or my arms raised in worship, I'll ask Him: "Where are you Jesus? What do you want to show me today, Jesus?" Then I'll tune to flow, and if I am really engaged, I am (usually) launched into an encounter with Jesus. Then Jesus and I will just hang out. I'll ask Him what He's doing, what He wants to do that day, what He wants to tell me, what He wants to show me, etc. It's so amazing. But honestly (and only people that know how to two-way journal will understand this), I want to pull out my computer and start typing b/c my encounter with Him is so good and the Lord shows me so much stuff. If I "write it down" (as in key #4), I get even more. The amazing thing is, I can have an encounter with the Lord anytime! Anywhere!
So, to answer your question, my "soaking" looks more like having an encounter with the Lord where I allow Him to minister to me or speak to me or show me what He's doing. I will also often pray for others the same way by using the first “3 Keys”. The difference is I speak out what He shows me instead of just “soaking it up”, or writing it down.
Does this help?

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