I recently watched one of the most inspiring movies of my life, Father of Lights. It's about taking God to the people. It's about miracles and healings taking place right before your eyes, on the streets. Kind of reminds you of the Gospels, doesn't it?
You will see a Hindu being led by God through a dream to go the following day to a specific location and a person would be there to teach him important truths. The next day, he met the man whom he was shown in his dream and he heard the Gospel message which he gladly received and went back to his village to share Jesus. All this is captured live on camera in powerful, moving drama. Visit filmmaker Darren Wilson's website and get a copy to see for yourself!
What I loved was to watch various people ministering a compassionate healing touch to strangers on the streets. It gave me pictures so that I can now see myself doing the same thing.
You will be excited to be alive today and realize that each of us can be part of this next powerful move of God as we take His compassion and healing power out of our church buildings and see miracles released to those in dire need.
Become part of this family who believes in the supernatural and takes God's grace to hurting humanity. The greatest revival the world has ever witnessed is beginning now. You and I are the front line actors in God’s play. Let’s celebrate! Let’s take our places. Let’s make it happen.
Order this movie today, and watch it with your family, friends and church groups. Be inspired! Be filled with hope for a brighter tomorrow! Be filled with faith! Be light to a darkened world. The world needs to see His light. Be the carrier of God's light into your world. Be bold. Watch miracles happen! Be engaged! The world needs you.
Of the increase of His government, there will be no end (Isa. 9:7)!
Additional Movies by Darren Wilson, Producer of "Father of Lights"
I have been extremely blessed by all of the movies I've seen of Darren's. I believe these will inspire you and your friends and open up visions for new ways to minister Christ's life to others. His approach is so completely opposite to anything I had ever seen before. It just deeply touched my heart, and it sure beats watching TV!
The Finger of God - Hundreds raised from the dead. Manna appearing in the Pentagon. Gemstones falling from the sky. Teenagers healing perfect strangers on the street. This isn't old time religion. This is a new beginning. A spiritual revolution. This is the Finger of God.
Furious Love - Follow filmmaker Darren Wilson as he travels to the darkest spiritual climates on the planet to test the limits of God's love.
Holy Ghost - Just released! Holy Ghost is a feature film documentary that follows filmmaker Darren Wilson as he travels the world attempting to make a movie that is completely led by the Holy Spirit. At times challenging, but always uplifting, Holy Ghost reveals a God far bigger and more active than previously thought.
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