This book is about Joel Trenkle's life -- the key events that formed him and left his heart very damaged, such as being publically put down by his second grade school teacher and becoming the laughingstock of the school. Joel began acting out because he was dyslexic and could not learn. He became the “problem student” because he could not find a place to fit in. Finally Joel went to Vietnam, and came back in even worse condition than when he left. Now he had Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This left him totally wrecked. He became an alcoholic, lived alone, totally destitute and right at the verge of taking his own life.
Yet today Joel is healed, and functions as an effective minister of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How did this happen? Joel tells his story in a most interesting way. You will be captivated and drawn in by it, and you, too, will discover the grace of God that heals the wounds in man’s heart.
The path toward healing involved Scripture, the voice of God, forgiveness, deliverance, inner healing, repentance for sinful thoughts and behaviors, and finding that a broken life can be restored!
As you read this book, you will discover hope springing up in your heart. You will see that no matter where you are at, Jesus is reaching out to take you by the hand, to touch you, and to heal you.
Let Joel share with you the steps the Lord took him through. Find wholeness. Find Jesus. Be restored to all that God intended you to be.
Joel received his Master’s degree from the school at which I serve as the president – Christian Leadership University. He is also a Certified CWG Facilitator. We are so proud of him and his accomplishments!
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