While reviewing the journal entries of a fellow believer, the following resulted from
meditating upon his dialogue with God:
We are body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23) . So many scriptural, spiritual, truths apply to our spirit.
When we are born again, it is our spirit that goes into a state of perfection. All the
fullness of God and His promises and His power are placed within us at that time.
Where the problems come in is that which resides in the spirit has to go through our soul,
our mind, that filters it all out based upon our life experiences. So when we are promised,
say healing, by the Scriptures and/or His spoken words to us, our mind controls the input
to our body and we may not see wanted results. But God! As we spend time in the presence of our Lord He brings healing, removes the religious roadblocks, places faith within us, so that in time our mind takes less and less control so that there is greater communication from spirit to mind and body. With time, we become more and more like Him!!! The more we become like Him, we more we function in His ways, not ours! He is so AWESOME! Jesus, what would You say to me about these thoughts?
Ben, I want you to share these thoughts with others, for they are from Me. If My people would remember that they are three parts, so to speak, like We are, much confusion and legalism would be eliminated. I desire that My people spend more time with Me so that I can reveal Myself more fully to them. Just doing their own thing is not spending time with Me, and as My children continue to choose their own thing, they will continue to live in partial darkness. I want them to walk in My light!
“I Want to See God But Everywhere I Look Is Just Trouble and Pain”
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Discover: How to Be Counseled by God Free Online Event and 25-50% off!
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