The secret is DO IT MORE. The more you do it, the more you’ll hear him speak - and the more you hear his voice, the easier it becomes to believe it’s really him.
God I continue to walk around in stunned disbelief that this is actually happening. I still find it so difficult to believe that you are really and truly having a conversation with me – back and forward all day long. It’s crazy.
Mark do you want to know the simple secret of how to believe this is happening, and that you’re not just making it up?
I sure would.
Good. If you want to believe that you really are having a conversation with me, all you have to do is keep doing it. That’s all that’s required. The more you converse with me, the more sure you’ll become that it’s really happening.
The more you do it, the more you’ll hear me speak, and the more you hear my voice, the easier it becomes to believe it’s really me.
The bible makes this very clear Mark with that verse; ‘Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word’.
I think I can hear you saying to do a little exegesis of the original Greek for that verse?
Yes please.
REALLY?? Ok. Is it alright if I just look up the Greek for the three key words – Faith, Hearing and the Word?
Absolutely. That’s a great start.
Alright, here goes. This is what the Greek Lexicon quoting Strong and Thayer says….
"So faith proceeds from (spiritual) hearing; moreover this hearing comes through a rhma-word (rhma) from Christ" (Greek text). Ro 10:17:
- FAITH: (Divine Persuasion)
The word for faith is pistis ("faith") and the root is peithô ("to persuade, be persuaded") which supplies the core-meaning of faith ("divine persuasion"). (1 Jn 5:4 with Heb 11:1).
- HEARING: (Spiritual Hearing)
ako – properly, hearing; used of inner (spiritual) hearing that goes with receiving faith from God (Ro 10:17).
- The WORD: (A word spoken by the voice of the Lord)
rhma (from rhé, "to speak") – a spoken word, made "by the living voice"). rhma ("spoken-word") is commonly used in the New Testament for the Lord speaking His dynamic, living word in a believer to inbirth faith ("His inwrought persuasion").
God it’s a bit frightening to suggest that I heard the above explanation direct from you.
Mark what you heard me say was look it up. Now it’s up to you and anyone else who has seen what the original Greek says to ask me what it means.
Remember that other scripture that says ‘You do not need anyone to teach you, but as the anointing teaches you…’ I’m the anointing Mark. Ask me about anything you want to know, bible verses included, and I’ll be glad to explain.
And don’t just wait for my answer to waft through the universe. Take action. Write, speak, think, sing, play, dance, draw your question and then proceed to do the same for my answer – you start and I’ll supply the words.
Wow thanks.
You’re welcome.
Daniel Walker, Author 'God in a Brothel' and Founder/Executive Director of NVADER has this to say about The Freedom Diaries.
“Like a child on Christmas morning, I was delighted to discover how simple yet wonderful it is to place my hand into the hand of God and listen to his whispers and enjoy his affection. I could only ask why no one had ever told me he was this good and this close. I wish I had read this book a long, long time ago.”
If you like what you read and want to know more about these conversations with God, you can purchase your own copy of Mark Holloway's book, 'The Freedom Diaries - God Speaks Back'. |
The goal is to get The Freedom Diaries Book into the hands of more and more people.
Reading the book seems to give people the courage to try their own back and forward conversation with God. And when they do they tell me it changes their lives and sets them free!
Thanks. Mark Holloway
Related Resources:
How to Hear God's Voice!Related Blogs:
How to Hear God’s Voice
The Vision
by Anonymous
Mark, thanks for publishing your conversations with God. They are so enlightening and encouraging. I find your conversations about Doubt especially helpful.
Someone posted a comment below suggesting that you publish your book as an ebook and give it away.
I have an alternative suggestion about how to get your book distributed widely: Sell it as an ebook for somewhere between $.99 and $2.99. I've read stories of people who sold their books on Kindle for $.99 and became millionaires. (google it). The point being that you can sell a lot more books at $.99 than at $20. At least in the western world, just about everyone is willing to spend $1 for something they think they might like -- it's a low enough cost that even if they don't know for sure they'll like it, they're willing to risk it. Think of all the songs sold on iTunes.
Assuming you solve the problem of getting the word out, this would be a win-win. Large numbers of people learn how to converse with God, and you're also blessed financially.
May you be awesomely blessed!
by Anonymous
Your conversations with God mark are so good. Its like doubts says that this is impossible. Im just not use to hearing God talk to me like that. I would like to have that, but its hard to think that God wants to talk with me like that. Is there a limit to the intimacy that God desires of us? what are the boundaries? Can you actually ask God about anything or matter of your heart. and He will respond with a real answer?
The vision
by Anonymous
Dear Mark,
Your conversations with the Almighty God sure changed my life. Thank you so much!
Mark, I have an idea how to get The Freedom Diaries Book into the hands of more and more people. But Mark, this one is going to cost you and not the people. If you put the book up for free on the internet then not ONLY can “more and more people” benefit from it but ALL people can experience the voice of our Father God and be set free.
Please consider this idea and talk to God about this – there is so much want, so much hopelessness, so much despair in this lost world of ours!
Stay blessed.
Sanet, South Africa.
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