I would like to work with about 15 people who would like to pursue healing using the 4-step protocol below.
You can email me your journaling, and a detail of the steps you take, the results you get, and any questions you have concerning how to move forward in receiving your full healing (mark@cluonline.com).
- Ask, “God what would you like to heal today?” Tune to flow and receive His answer.
- Ask, “Lord, show me the root cause of this infirmity.” Tune to flow and receive His answer.
- Ask, “What specific step(s) am I to take to remove this root cause?” Tune to flow and receive His answer. Remember Jesus may address wrong attitudes, and beliefs, need to forgive self and others, and may offer therapeutic remedies or power healings.
- Take the step(s) He has told you to take. When confirmation is needed, submit your leadings to spiritual advisors who are ahead of you in the area of health and healing.
Note: this process works well for an individual praying alone, or for those leading a group to receive healing for their infirmities.
Related Resources:
How to Enjoy Vibrant Health! How to Hear God's Voice! Prayers That Heal the Heart
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