For nearly 10 years Steve has been teaching people how to walk in their kingdom destiny on the mission fields or Africa, Asia and South America. This is your opportunity to participate in this life changing training and walk it out, right here at home. You’ve heard the testimonies from overseas; now is your chance to experience these same stories in your school, business, shopping center and church. Bring your friends to an encounter with the Kingdom of God.
Steve's Reports from UgandaSteve, Christina with a team of 27 returned last week from a powerful time in Uganda. Over 1,000 were saved, countless healed, medicine was distributed and the poor received safe drinking water. Steve wrote a series of reports which can be found on our blog or can be read in succession here: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (closing thoughts) |
Kalonga: Water Pump ProjectImpact Nations is working with Pastor John in Kalonga, Uganda to develop a farm that will not only provide daily meals for nearly 400 children, but will also provide a sustainable income to fund his and several other schools in Uganda. Thanks to donors like you, we have already purchased land, animals, and farm equipment. Now as the busy season is upon us, we need to provide water for the farmhands, the students who will learn agriculture at the farm, and the animals. Learn More » |
The Haiti JOC is Coming Soon. Don't miss the early-registration discount! |
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